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Credo quia absurdum

(I believe because it is absurd)


"Mr. Jeon," the professor calls by the end of the lesson, stopping Jungkook and Jimin who are on their way to the exit, "I'd like to talk to you about something. Please stay for a while."

At that, Jungkook raises an eyebrow and rushes to stuff the supplies back, swinging his backpack over his shoulder while approaching the front desk.

"I'll be waiting outside." Jimin informs, and Jungkook nods, still confused by the professor and his intent to talk about something.

The door after Jimin shuts and silence envelops the remaining males. But it doesn't stay for too long, because the professor places a chair on the opposite side of the desk and gently says "please sit down, this will take some time."

Again, Jungkook nods and hesitantly does, laying his bag aside and making eye contact with the other.

"There's no goos way of saying this." the professor states with worry in his expression as he fumbles with a stack of papers inside a folder "You're failing this class if you continue being inactive, Mr.Jeon."

His tone is serious, yet gentle, which does nothing to ease the rising uneasiness inside Jungkooks stomach. He already anticipated it, but hearing it out loud hits like a truck. With widened eyes and curling stomach, Jungkooks asks "for sure?"

A slight and forced smile is sent his way for reassurance, while the professor pulls out a test, which they have written a few weeks ago, and lays it in front of Jungkook on the desk.

The younger Male doesn't have to search for the grade, the never ending red corrections are already giving away that it's nowhere near good enough to pass.

"Like I said," his professor begins again with sympathy "I'm telling you this to improve. You're not completely doomed Mr. Jeon. I just wanted to let you know.". He adjusts the glasses on his face as Jungkook looks through the test, closing his eyes in disappointment as he finally finds the grade.

There's not much to say from his side to this, because Jungkook cannot make promises that it will get better. But it has to, he needs to pass this subject in order to graduate, which is probably easier said that done.

Jungkook gulps hard and glides the paper aside, not wanting to see it anymore.

"I can't understand it." the professor says, still careful as to encourage Jungkook, "in all the other subjects you seem to be so motivated, why not here? This is the only subject you have problems with."

At that, Jungkook presses his lips into a thin line and looks away shamefully, not knowing either. But the other continues as he goes through the test, "You're obviously knowing the organism and understand connections, but as soon as technical terms or Latin comes up, you get confused and lose concentration."

"Those are very hard to learn." Jungkook states in a weaker voice, helpless because he not only has difficulties to remember them, but also their pronunciations, which let's him fail all viva.

His professor hums and furrows his eyebrows as he begins to search for alternatives. "You could ask a classmate to help you with that?" he suggests "better not Mr. Park though. He's the next one in the line for this conversation."

Jungkook sighs heavily. This is burdening and all he would love to do right now, is to seek for Taehyungs embrace and his reassuring words. In times like this, life sucks and he wishes for the problems to just stop appearing.

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