840 80 158

  Omne initium difficile est
  (Every beginning is difficult)


Snow kept on falling over the night, decorating the streets, trees and rooftops in a shining layer of white which is actually unusual due to todays climate change. Nonetheless, Jungkook awakes as he lies on his stomach, his face is partly buried in a sunken spot of the pillow, while his eyes open to witness the window being enveloped in crystals.

It's not exactly cold inside the room, but not too warm either and he pulls the covers higher to shield his bare torso from the cool temperature.

Not even a second later, Jungkook just closes his eyes again and sighs softly, not yet wanting to awake as his dream was very pleasant. He can't exactly remember what he dreamed of, but there was Taehyung and Jungkook felt happy.

When, after a few more minutes, he realizes that he won't be able to fall asleep again, Jungkook let's his eyelids flutter open only to get the sight to the window blocked by a purple color. Without comprehending the situation yet, he just keeps on staring which makes it even hard to focus as the color is so close to his face that it almost hurts.

It's only after a cute mewl chimes, that Jungkook blinks a few times before shrieking back, too embarrassed about the high pitch afterwards.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he asks in horror after having created a good distance to the cat on the bed, his breathing intensified with wide eyes, "How did you get in?"

But the cat isn't fazed by his behavior, rather seeming to be innocent as it looks at him in wonderment, its tail lays around itself gracefully.

As Jungkook temporarily shifts his focus to the door, which handle and lock are obviously broken, he whispers some more questions to himself. Would Taehyung break his door? And why? Did the cat-

Instinctively, his eyes wander back to the unknown culprit, eyes are a dark shade of brown now, confusing Jungkook even more as he can swear that those were purple a few seconds before.

"Why are you here, huh?" he asks again, this time more composed, annoyed.

But to that again, the cat obviously doesn't reply and only walks over to him. Jungkook raises the covers higher upon his torso, watching the animal with caution. It's not like he's afraid of cats or anything, more like that this one is creepy and weird.

As the cat settles to his side and mewls again, looking so soft and innocent, Jungkooks stiff posture falls and he allows himself to take a calm breath. It is just a cat after all. "Tae has early classes again." is what he realizes after some time "and now you're bored and come to me? You little shit."

A slight smile finds it's way to his face and Jungkook carefully raises his hand and slowly reaches for the cats skull, gently placing his palm on the soft fur to tenderly patt it, letting the animal lean into.

"Have you forgiven me already?" Jungkook questions with a light chuckle, letting the covers fall as he doesn't clutch onto them that hard anymore, "I still will apologize sincerely for stepping on your tail Mr.Cat. I'm not used to animals lying around."

And maybe Jungkook feels a bit weird for talking to an animal, but he couldn't care less anyway. It would be awkward any other way, would it not? Though, he gets a bit startled after the animal stops the little affectionate gestures to stare at him intensively, making eye contact and Jungkook can see a flicker of purple before the name, "Jin." leaves under his breath.

Oh and that, well, that freaks him out a little because a) he did not mean to say anything and it was like he couldn't control his body in any way, and b) after saying the name, the cat turns away and begins to purr, almost as if it's contented by it.

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