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Acta, Non Verba

(Actions, not words)

Taehyung finishes decorating the cake with chocolate-frosting, carefully forming a small heart.

It didnt' take long at all to make Jins birthay cake, and Jins mouth waters at the sight of it. Though, his expression is the complete opposite of the others, who grimace after Taehyung lays the utensil aside and sighs heavily through his mouth.

"It looks horrendous." Jungkook states with visible disgust, because the whole brown substance could easily be mistaken as something else. It doesn't have to taste bad too, but it surely doesn't look appetizing.

Namjoon scrunches his nose slightly, adding "it really does.", to which Taehyung shouts an offended "Hey!" and "Shut up, it looks nice."

"Yeah, for flies." Jungkook retorts, before beginning to chuckle, getting plates and forks for them to eat. The whole kitchen still looks awful, eggshells and doughs are everywhere.

Even Taehyung is covered in multiple things, mostly flour because he forget to be careful with the electric mixer beforehand. But Jungkook doesn't mind that, because Taehyung decided to put on an apron afterwards, which fits him perfectly. Several suggestive thoughts came up after Jungkook watched him move around in it, craving to let his hands travel underneath the garment and let them roam around freely.

With this in mind, Jungkook smirks and licks his lips, but decides to keep something like that for later instead. It would be inappropriate to pop up a boner in front of them all, he assumes.

Since the kitchen island is filled with dirty dishes and generally becomes unusable, Taehyung and Jungkook suggest to settle on the floor, not wanting to get the dirt on the couch in the livingroom too.

But Namjoon and Jin couldn't be bothered, they go along with it and sit down cross-legged on the ground in the kitchen, watching as Jungkook prepares tea and coffee for all of them and Taehyung carefully lays the cake with a plate on the ground.

And honestly, it really doesn't look that bad in Jins opinion, quite the opposite actually. Maybe it's the fact that this is going to be his first cake, or that it s'specifically made for him, but Jin has never found anything more appealing food than this.

Seconds later, Taehyung vanishes inside his bedroom only to return with a tie, smiling as he approaches Jin. "I have to blindfold you." he announces with a giggle, causing the other to frown at that, "it won't take long. Just for a few minutes."

Jin, who trusts Taehyung with his life, nods excitedly and closes his eyes, allowing the other to gently wrap the garment around his skull in front of the eyes as to not be able to see anything anymore.

And while Namjoon jokingly asks "Why does it look like you're not doing it for the first time?", Jungkook gulps hard at the sight of Jin being blindfolded. He just looks so innocent and excited with his smile, that it automatically brings ideas to Jungkooks stupid mind. It even goes to the extend of Jungkook almost choking after Jin props himself up to knee on the ground, looking obedient.

But he quickly shakes his head to get rid of this, cursing at his own self for even imagining something like that. While he scolds himself under his breath, Taehyung brings out birthday candles and places them on the cake, grinning whilst doing so.

At all that, Jungkook takes a deep breath and allows himself to smile too, just a little bit though. He has the whole night to get confused about his thoughts, but this moment belongs to Jin. So he, without hesitation, grabs a lighter from the counter and crouches down next to Taehyung and Jin, finishing the circle with the cake in the center.

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