CHAPTER 9 - Knowing More - part 1

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"Hmm...well, this is quite interesting," Luna finally voiced out loud, breaking the silent tension between them.

And so the new chapter of their story goes on...with the addition of these new young survivors.


"Very interesting--and so much intriguingly amazing that you, Draco, didn't hesitate into letting in these new survivors into our safe humble abode, as well as going out there yourself to rescue them for that matter," Luna said in an all-knowing wise tone of voice as she looked straight at Draco like she knew his true nature or something.

Draco didn't answer as he tries to act all cool and composed while holding the female child in his arms that's still clutching at him like a cute koala bear cub.

"Well, he had to, considering that I'm the one who saw and said that they are the good kind of survivors since they have children with them," Neville answered for him as Luna seemed to like staring at the adorable sight of Draco and the kid in his arms.

Bellamy and Murphy did a quick look over the new survivors in this small group and studied the gaggle of teens and children intently for a moment until they nodded upon seeing the same as Neville does, trusting that they're truly the good kind of people. Bellamy had experienced into reading what is really the good and bad kinds of people during his time in the past when he used to work as a security guard, and Murphy is the same but the difference of the kind of experience on knowing the kinds of people is when he had grown up on the bad side of life when he and his parents were forced to live in a neighborhood that had street gangs on it.

After seeing how shaken and slightly frightened the small gang of survivors that Draco let in and rescued all are, even though the two teen boys looked to be on guard and protective of their group, Bellamy and Murphy instantly knew that they're the good friendly types of people that they don't need to be worried about. Even with or without children, these young teenagers appear to be harmless, in a manner of speaking or sorts.

When Bellamy, Murphy, or Neville tried to approach more closely at the new survivors to show them where they can rest along with their group, the two teen boys pushed and got their group to back away from them and the Jewish teen boy tried to call out for the teen girl to get the little girl back from Draco's arms and return to their group but the little girl kept holding on to the blond mage like she didn't want to let go of her rescuer, no matter how much the teenage girl tried to convince or coax her to let go.

Before the tension would have become greatly troublesome, since it looks like the group of new survivors seemed wary and cautious of the other group, despite that the little girl trusts Draco implicitly in her natural childish way, the rising tension between the two survivor groups was easily broken down and calmed when another one of their group had roused from sleep and came to greet the new strangers.

And that was Helen, the main leader and 'mother' of the group.

"Oh! We have new guests?" she inquired in a warm gentle voice and they all turned their eyes and attention right at her as she spoke.

The new survivors were all stunned, except the children who stared a bit in wonder and awe, when Helen revealed herself to the group, in her visible pregnant state.

And it looks like one of them decided to share their good friendly nature, that is the African teenage male among them. "Oh wow! You're really pregnant! (HEAD-SLAP!) Ouch! Hey, sis--I didn't mean to say it as something bad or anything!"

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