CHAPTER 11 - Survival and Monsters - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 11 part 2)




They managed to make it to another spot in the area when they had driven non-stop for two days through there, somewhere near the thick forests still, and then park and make up their camp there once they all decide unanimously as a group to stay for the temporary time being.

Luckily, this time there are no dangerous bad kind of monsters or hostile survivor threats lurking around and about, when Draco, Luna, and Neville combined their magic to cast the spells {Monsterum Revelom} and {Hostilis Humanus Revelom} to make sure that magically searching and looking out and double-checking far out of range of the area they're now in, whether there are those specific threats and dangers spread out and the negative results gave them relief when they returned and were shown at them.

It was easy and slightly quick to build and set up their outdoor camping site of the area they're temporarily staying in, for about a week or so, that is decided by the group's united leaders of Mage and Mundane, which are Bellamy Blake and Draco Black respectively when they agreed and shake hands on it. The reason that why these two are elected as leaders, they were voted unanimously again by the group as they all looked to them as good leaders, including Helen herself despite that she's the true main leader of their magical group before they met up and teamed with Bellamy's and then the young teen Sparks and such.

Helen, Luna, and Neville trusted Draco to take over as group leader for the Mage side since they knew him longer and known that he's changed from his former past self before, and they also trusted Bellamy for the Mundane side since they know him very well, even if its only been a few weeks they got along and get to know one another in their whole group. Bellamy seemed surprised but felt very glad when Draco admitted this to him upon trusting him as a partner to the leadership of their group when they shook on it and made their solid honored agreement.

Bellamy swore that he will prove that he truly is a person worthy to be the group's leader as such, just as he did before when he protected and lead his small group of his sister and two friends. Despite that he's been used to this long and was very experienced in survival skills and tactics from his past part-time jobs before and outdoor hobbies he went through long ago, he was very glad that the skills and techniques he learned and know before were all put to good use upon surviving through this monster apocalypse.

Bellamy also secretly appreciates his new kind of position in the group as he'd be able to protect his crush Helen better and be free to get closer and know her more whenever he gets the chance but he'll make sure that he does this out of Draco's sight since he's still overprotective towards his pseudo-sister and everything, and there's also the fact that it's too soon to push for a possible relationship between himself and Helen, the female mage and 'mother' of the group.

It's been another two days since the last previous two at the time when they found the spot in that area near the forests as they're going to camp and stay there for only one week as decided by the two leaders, that on the second day of their stay, they decided to be brave and venture out again into the woods to forage for any edible plants or medicinal herbs they can find or possibly scavenge and hunt for food.

Bellamy decided that Murphy should stay behind with the others and have Jack as his partner to guard and watch over them, even though he doesn't like it when Bellamy, Draco, Neville, and Luna have grouped together to go out on that foraging and scavenging run into the forests at the time. But at least he relaxed slightly when Type is going along with them to look after and guard the small group in case something else might happen while they're out there. It also helped him relax more when the young teen Spark girls Jill and Jane asked to come along with them, wanting to go out like they've been cooped up too long, staying inside the magic mobile trailer and they are eager to get out there into the wild again, even if it's still dangerous with the monsters possibly lurking around.

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