CHAPTER 10 - More Surprises - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 10 part 2)


It took about a few hours and the two pairs had to separate one another into two paths to search and forage for the necessary plants they needed. It made Charlotte a little nervous and cautious upon being all alone with only Draco beside her, despite that she knows very well that he's a powerful Mage but not that very powerful like the legendary Merlin from storybooks--which Charlotte didn't know or was aware that Merlin exists in real life back in Draco's former world.

It didn't take long for something unexpected to happen but not in a very bad way, that Charlotte realized the hard way and harsh reality of the truth that Mages have their limits, even Draco himself, when he got himself caught off guard by sudden surprise and into unexpected trouble--but it's not that much.

Charlotte and Draco had found a beaten-up van that looked to be of the food delivery service kind and Draco foolishly crawled inside to check if there are any edible food leftovers to scavenge and take for as added food supply but then his slow yet jolting movements into the broken vehicle had jostled the heavy stone debris that dented the van's roof into crashing downwards and the heavyweight responded to the young man's actions suddenly, bending and denting downwards even more on the van, pinning the surprised Draco, trapping him in there and nearly startling Charlotte to a gasping cry.

"Oh my God! Drake!" she cried and tried to run over to him and help but Draco is completely trapped and really stuck inside the broken down vehicle as he strained and grunted, trying to lift with his own strength and magic to move the debris off from top of him but it would not budge an inch.

"Argh! Ohh, great!" Draco groaned upon realizing his foolish mistake as he's now stuck and pinned by one leg by the car seat pressing down on it and he let Charlotte try to pull him out through the window with both hands but her efforts are not working either.

"Oh bloody hell--Charlotte, stop! You can't pull me out of here--I'm seriously stuck!" Draco told her, wiggling his hands to make her let him go.

"But--Draco! That concrete slab! It's gonna--!" Charlotte cried as she's not letting him go and kept pulling with all her effort and might to get the blond man out.

"Charlotte! It's fine! I have my magic stalling this thing from crushing and pinning me inside this car!" Draco snapped at her slightly harshly so that she can hear him clearly and stop what she's doing before she might make it worse.

Once she heard him and stop, Draco immediately pulled his hands back as she loosened her grip and then struggled a little to grab something out of his pockets and reached it out for Charlotte to take.

"Here. Take this magic compass, it will lead you straight back to the campsite so that you can get the others for help and lead them back to me on getting me out of here. I can hold out as long as I can and wait for you to come back. Now go--GO!" Draco instructed and then yelled at her at the last part, sharply snapping at her to get to it then.

Charlotte didn't want to leave him alone despite that Draco is forcing her to go after he gave her the magic compass, then it didn't take long for her to reluctantly do so when there's a sudden rumbling from the skies above and it sounds like that there's going to be another snowstorm coming in and she needs to hurry and get back to the campsite to get the others' help and save Draco from his predicament.

Draco watched as she left, sprinting and hurrying as fast as she can with her slender legs, nearly slipping or tripping over the snowy icy ground in her haste to get back while following the magic compass he gave her, to lead her safely back to the others. He knew that Charlotte will make it on time as long as she follows the compass that he already enchanted to lead her back, but then when the time passes by, the thundering clouds loomed closer and snow was falling and breezing by, signaling the incoming snowstorm, that Draco started to get a little concerned when hours had passed on and the others haven't come running for him yet.

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