CHAPTER 12 - More New Surprises - part 3

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(Continuation from Chapter 12 part 2)


It didn't take long for them to do the second roundabout the cabin, which fortunately it's still daylight as they did it when another few minutes were spent looking around and double-checking about, and that's when Draco finally realized what he had noticed something amiss about this place but he's not sure whether this might be a bad--or a good thing.

Draco stared down at the ground floor in the very center of the entire cabin itself, specifically looking thoughtful at the wood he's staring down at. It took about a minute or two for Bellamy and Murphy to notice this when they saw him just standing there very still in the middle of the room and seemed to be glaring down at the floor like he's trying to burn a hole through it.

"Uh...normally, I wouldn't disturb whatever it is you're doing but--just what are you doing anyway?" Bellamy asked incredulously, looking at Draco with how strange he looks upon staring down at the floor he's standing on.

Draco surprised them once more when he startled them with his sharp shout. "STOP!"

Both Bellamy and Murphy froze when they were about to step forward and join Draco in the room but his sudden yell caught them off-guard with its harshness.

Draco quickly explained before he might surprise or scare them with his strange behavior. "The floor here is different than the rest of the rooms. When I walked upon the wooden floor--everything sounded hollow below it's like there seemed to be some empty space right underneath it. I think...there's some kind of basement or secret room under this one."

"What? Have you been reading Agatha Christie or something?" Murphy joked lightly but he tested the floor lightly with his foot and then also heard or sensed what Draco said is correct.

The floor of the room where Draco is standing in seemed to creak soundly in a weird eerie way and when Bellamy heard it too as Murphy did his attempt on the floor, he also realized that this room was actually different than the other rooms they have checked and double-checked before and now.

"I haven't found any latch or opening to find out if there truly is a secret basement or room down here--but I'd rather not take any chances upon gaining weight if there are three of us altogether standing in the floor," Draco cautioned carefully. "So mind how and where you're stepping at--there's no telling how weak and rotten all the wood in this floor is now in after this place has been abandoned, and I'm sure one of you do not want to end up falling right down in a hole upon breaking it by your heavyweight--no offense meant."

Bellamy and Murphy showed that they didn't take offense to Draco's statement about their own weight but they heeded his words as they carefully walked and stepped into the room, being very mindful as they stepped and trotted about and the floor creaked under their feet soundly and seemed to be getting louder.

"Alright, okay...try to look around and see if you spot any latch or any kind of opening here in this floor," Draco said. "I already looked through and checked all the ornaments and stuff in this room to see if there was some handle to open up some door from below but I found nothing."

Draco cautioned and warned the two men again in case the creaky-sounding wooden floor might also be booby-trapped and be really careful wherever they are stepping on the floor when it's possible that they might trip on some pressure plate or something worse. The three of them tapped with their feet or Draco used his cane on the floor to find whatever latch device or handle that could open up the hidden secret room below them.

It didn't take long before Murphy called out in a soft whisper that he found it when he decided to kneel and carefully feel around the floor with his bare hands and that's when his fingers traced the edges of some square lining by the west corner of the room. When Bellamy and Draco reached to him, Murphy managed to pry it loose upon digging his fingers to get the edges lifted up and reveal whatever hidden on that particular square board.

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