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We did it.

We killed the Everlasting.

Let me give you a little run down of what happened.

Because of the huntress cruse bonded to Raya, she was also bonded to the Everlasting inside the Armory. We needed to kill it in order to get her back, and we did. Damon did, while I was fighting with Raya as she tried to take out my heart in Mystic Falls, Damon was at the Armory and he killed the Everlasting, saving Raya. Unfortunately he was safe, Bonnie locked up some beast inside there and he got out perfectly fine, according to Stefans account.

But what was happening right now was so much more different.

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After I had apologized to Kai a countless amount of times, he told me to go see Ben. He had been unconscious like I had since the beginning, so I immediately went to the house, Kai not too far behind me.

But then I was stopped before I could get to the house. Someone had caught me, like actually caught me while I was running.

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I heard her scream off into the distance, the direction was unknown. The about six men ran up to me, they were apart of the dozens of people I turned.

"Where is she? She is fixed." I snapped at them. "Dont hurt her."

"Dont worry Boss, we want to help. Heard her scream coming from the opposite direction, let's go."

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They tricked him out like he was on drugs. I could hear them taking him in the other direction and I could immediately tell that the men who were taking me down were Kais men.

I screamed his name and heard him stop, my calling echoed off the trees around us and he couldn't tell where it came from. He rushed forward more and just as he was out if my hear reach I heard the guys following him snicker.

"Where are you taking me." I asked as they all shoved me around.

"Somewhere they wont be able to hear you scream." One of the men holding me said, smiling down on me.


"Why are you doing this to me, I never meant to hurt him." I cried out in sorrow as they drenched me in vervain and placed me in front of the sun without my daylight ring. They picked and poked me, shoved things in my eyes. They strapped me down onto a table and cut me open, digging around in my intestines making me scream bloody murder.

"You never mean to do anything, do you Rae?" One spat at me.

"Priors always messing up the fun for the Parkers. Now we'll be the ones to have fun for the Parkers against a Prior!"

"Your not putting up as much of a fight as I thought you would, he speaks too much of you. You are weak, and give up fast."

"You are worthless."

"A burden."

"A disgrace."

"A monster."

I cringed as they stabbed me again, the words the spoke pained me but it didn't get to me like it should've. I screamed in a high pitch.

"Malachai!" I yelled out for him.

Then I was out.


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