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"All right , everyone gather round for a second, please." Kate told everyone. "I have some bad news, unfortunately. Michelle had left the next step."

"What, she left?" Kara exclaimed. She looked around at everyone's shocked faces and knew everyone was feeling the same thing, betrayal.

"Which means that we only have ten dancers left on our Nationals team." Kate told them.

What ran through Kara's head in that moment was that she was glad she didn't leave the studio when she was thinking about it because they would be in an even worse situation in that moment.

"Having only ten dancers is bad because if we have once dancer that gets injured or can't dance for whatever reason, then we can't dance at all. We're done."


Kara was sat with Riley in culture shock, the two were talking about how Michelle had left the studio and how selfish it was.

They both stopped once Emily rushed into the room and sat beside the bar. Kara looked over to Emily and saw the frantic look on her face but Riley failed to see it

"Can you believe Michelle?" Riley asked Emily. "She just left The Next Step. Right before nationals!"

"Riley, we have bigger things to worry about, okay?" Emily told her.

"Like what, Em?" Kara sat forward.

"What's bigger than Michelle leaving the studio?" Riley asked.

"Amanda's a double agent." Emily told the pair. "She's still at Elite. She's only at The Next Step to take it down from the inside. You know, I'm not one to say I told you so but I told everyone."

"I can't believe it." Riley scoffed.

"What the hell." Kara whispered. She couldn't believe that Amanda was still at Elite. When she was auditioning she seemed so genuine.

"Um, hello. Riley, Kara, hi." Emily got their attention. "Uh, we need to come up with a plan. What should we do?"

"Uh, well the first thing to do is at like everything's okay." Kara told them as she sat back in her seat and looked behind Emily.

"Why?" Emily asked.

"Cause Amanda's coming over here right now." Riley cleared her throat.

"And then he just laughed.." Emily said, trying to spark a fake conversation and then laughed. "Like that."

"Yeah.. uh, guys.. uh, miss Kate needs you guys in Studio A." Amanda told them.

"Okay, yeah.." Kara nodded as she stood up and watched as the two sisters sat up and then down again as the rambled together.

"Yeah, of course." Riley nodded, finally deciding to stand up and walk away quickly. "Thanks, Amanda."

"I don't know what we're gonna do, but we have to do something."

The three were now stood in a semi circle in front of Kate, waiting for her to start speaking. The trio had rushed up there as quick as they could.

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