*Pinky Promise*

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January 5th, 1976

The rest of her holidays were uneventful but she was happy with the company of her new pet. Groot got along with her owl perfectly which was a relief to her. She was overly excited when it was time to go back to Hogwarts. The train ride was smooth with no delays whatsoever. The feast was excellent and she fell asleep soundly when her head touched her pillow.

Rory had transfiguration that morning with McGonagall. They were reviewing everything they had learned at their time at Hogwarts and Rory was confident she would ace her O.W.Ls. McGonagall was revisiting the vanishing spell when she suddenly stopped abruptly, catching everyone's attention. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Black" came the stern voice. "Yes, Minnie?" Sirius said with a smirk on his face. "Is there something you two would like to share with the class?" she said it warningly but Sirius stood on the desk. "Well yes I would like to-" "That is enough Mr.Black, Mr. potter please switch seats with Ms. Evans. I bet she can manage him" James walked over beside Rory. She gave him a wary look "Say, Dunlap, is it possible-" "No Potter. I will not help you ask lily out." He gave a defeated sigh. "I can feel it this year you know, I bet she'll say yes to me. I mean who wouldn't" Rory gave him a 'are you serious look. "Are you that dumb Potter?" He looked offended. "Well if you're so smart why don't you tell me." She really didn't like him because he bullied Severus and random Slytherins for fun, but she thought maybe she could change him.

 "Imagine you are in Lily's shoes, Potter. imagine getting asked out nearly five times a day in the most ludicrous ways, being humiliated in front of everyone. Imagine if that person who keeps asking you out torments your best friends. How would you feel if someone bullied Black the way you bully Severus?" He thought of it, but being the stubborn git he is, "Well Snivellous deserves it, he's a sly snake." Rory felt defensive. She knew plenty of good Slytherins. "Then potter, how does it make you feel when Remus is being treated like trash because he is a werewolf." "How do yo-" "I've known longer than you have. I also know that you three," she pointed to Peter and Sirius, "are unregistered animagus. I am also the person who heals Remus's scar due to my potion." The look on Potters face brought Rory pride. "If you stopped being a git, maybe she'll say yes to you"

He looked defeated. "Are you sure you aren't Dumbldores granddaughter or something?" Rory simply smiled.


Rory sat beside Evan at the black lake eating treats. "Thank you for the bowtruckle by the way, I named him Groot" "Odd name but ok. Thanks for the snowglobes, I found it fascinating." "It's literally just water and sprinkles in a sphere glass," she rolled her eyes "How was the rest of your break?" 

"Unsettleing" Rory's eyes knitted tighter. "My parents arranged my marriage. After I graduate I am to marry Emma Vanity and-and become a death eater." He wasn't supposed to tell her that but he knew she wasn't going to tell anyone and she wouldn't treat her any differently. "Wow that sucks. I don't know Vanity well, but she seems a little snobby," she wrinkled her nose "as for the death eater part, you're always welcome to run away with me you know. And if you do become one, just don't kill me" She said it so calmly, Evan was almost concerned. "Alright then, I'll keep your offer in mind and I'll promise not to kill you" "Pinky promise?" She held out her right pinky, but Evan stared at it confused. "It's like the muggle way of an unbreakable vow, just you don't die if you break it." Evan slowly brought his pinky to hers, joined them together and said "Pinky promise" When the two let go, they noticed that their hands felt empty. "So are you two dating now?" She was genuinely curious but hoped he would say no. "I'm not really sure. She is my girlfrind right now but we only act like it in front of people or our parents." Rory felt a twinge of, jealousy?

 "I tried to get to know her you know, but she won't budge." Rory felt sorry for him. She heard from Regulus about the amount of pressure they had to have. Getting into Slytherin, being proper, being superior, marrying someone you don't know, follow rules you don't go by. 

"So... Have your eyes on anyone?" The question caught her off guard that she choked on a piece of chocolate... "Er.. No?" "C'mon there's gotta be someone." Rory groaned. "You're acting like Lily." He ignores that comment. "What about Remus?" "Mmm, no. I think he and Black have a thing." "Severus?" "NO! He's like my brother. Just shut up." "Please, jus- OW!" On his ear was Groot, he had bit into it. "Ahahah, yes Groot!" Evan rubbed his ear while mumbling something incoherent. "I didn't get you a bowtruckle so it could beat me up!" 

"Sorry Ev." "Ev?" "Yea like Evan, your name is really short so that's all I can do unless you want me to call you Rosie." she held a smile. "No! not Rosie. Alright well, isn't Rory short for something?" "Yea it's short for Aurora, I just prefer Rory." Evan scrunched his face in concentration. "What about Rora?" She squinted her eyes. "Isn't that just Rory but with an A?" He shrugged. What's your middle name. Rory debated whether she should tell him or not. "Iolanthe" Evan did the same concentration face which Rory thought was cute. "Ola. Yes I'm keeping it!" Rory thought in consideration. "Fine it's not that bad. Whats you middle name?" In the minute, Evan seemed to be having a full-on battle on whether or not he should tell her. "Felix". "Isn't that supposed to mean happy and cheerful?" he simply nodded while she tried to stifle a laugh. Evan was the least cheery person she knew, but she wouldn't tell him that.

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