*Platform 9 3/4*

476 14 0

September 1st, 1991

The Rosiers were at the Weasleys house, getting ready to go. Percy was reading a book in the corner, George and Reg were surprisingly by themselves, talking about Hogwarts. Molly, or Lily as everyone called her,  was double-checking to see if she had everything. Ron was nervously petting scabbers. Cody was playing chess with Ginny since both of them were upset that their siblings were going to Hogwarts, and Fred and Tina were nowhere to be found. "Alright, kids let's get to the station, wheres Fred and Tina?" Molly asked while getting a pinch of floo powder. Evan perked at the mention of his daughter and godsons name. 

He looked around and found that the two of them were not in the room. His face turned just a bit red before yelling up into the house. "Fred and Tina! Come down right now! You two better not be snogging!!" Two pairs of footsteps were heard and revealed to be Fred and Tina. "dad! Gross! we're only 12!" They passed him on their way to the living room. "Ev let it go! Tina is responsible and anyways Fred is a good guy," Rory said as she led him into the living room. Evan scoffed, "Ola, we had our first kiss in 6th year! She's only 12!" Rory rolled her eyes. "WE first kissed in 6th year." Evan furrowed his eyebrows, "I wasn't the first person?" Rory smirked to herself. "Nope."

Evan's eyes were wide, "I can't believe I wasn't your first kiss! Who was it!?" Rory rolled her eyes again at her husband's reaction. "And I wasn't yours either," Molly snorted from the side. "What do you mean?" He asked innocently. Rory raised an eyebrow and fear struck Evan. "Are you forgetting the time you kissed Parkinson in second year?" He turned red and Rory high-fived Molly. "How do you know that!?" He asked. She smiled innocently and shrugged. "I have my ways." Her cheekiness gave away her secret. He knew Severus told her, but he couldn't say anything about him in front of the Weasleys since they didn't know.  "Fine then, so who was your first?" "Amos Diggory in second year." She quickly passed him and vanished in the fireplace leaving Evan surprised.


Once all 10 children were present, they set off towards the platform. "Packed with muggles as always," said Molly. "Now what's the platform number?" "9 and 3/4!" piped up Ginny and Cody. "Mum, can't I go-" "You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. Alright, Percy, you go first." Percy moved his trolley to align with the platform, and ran straight at the wall, vanishing the next second. "Fred, you next," Molly said pointing to him. "I'm not Fred, I'm George." Evan leaned over to Rory and whispered. "Isn't that Fred?" Rory nodded while holding back a grin. "Honeslty woman, call yourself our mother? Can't you tell i'm George?" Molly looked sorry. "Sorry George dear," The boy smiled. "Only joking, I am Fred." and he ran into the platform. Molly had a bit of fury in her eyes. "Well then George, hurry up!" She said at the boy infront of her. 'George' smirked, and Rory knew what was going on. The boy morphed into Regulus and said. "I'm not George Aunt Molly," and he too ran into the platform, the real George following closley behind. "That boy is going to get in big trouble." Rory said under her breath, but her husband was laughing his head off, which earned him a slap on the arm. He shut up when a small unfamiliar voice was heard. 

A boy with jet black hair and emerald eyes was standing infront of them. He spoke to Molly. "Excuse me," He said. Molly smiled and said "Hullo dear, first year at hogwarts? Ron and Lily are new too." she pointed at the two. The boy with glasses nodded. "Yes, The thing is, I don't know how to-" Molly finished for him. "How to get on the platform?" He nodded. "Not to worry, all you have to do is run straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, thats very important. Best to do it at a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron and Lily."  The boy turned and alighned himslef at the wall. Rory's breath hitched when she noticed his eyes from behind his glasses, Lily. She turned her head at Evan. "Ev, is that-?" Evan nodded. "Probably is, looks exactly like James." The rest of the family ran into the wall and found the train in front of them. "Almost time, kids come here." Molly told all the Weasleys and Rosiers. 

Molly hugged and talked to all her children whilst Rory and Evan did the same. "Tina look out for you brother and sister. And say hi to uncle sev for us." Tina nodded and accepted her mothers hug. Rory's attantion turned to the twins. "Now you two- Behave. I don't wan't notes from grandpa saying you two have been setting people on fire or something like that." Lily rolled her eyes. "And remember, we don't care which house you get in. And one thing I need to tell all of you." Her kids watched their mother intently. "I believe Harry Potter will be at hogwarts this year." All of their eye's widened. "I don't want any of you to tell him anything, do you understand?" The nodded. "Alright, now go have fun kids, and I'll see you at christmas. I love you all" She hugged each of them again before they boarded the train and waved out the window. 

"Bye mum, bye dad!" they all said. Cody and Ginny started running as the train started to move, and came back to their parents when it was too far. Molly came up to them. "Was that Harry?" Rory nodded, "I believe so."

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