Chapter 2: Lord Death

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I can't believe she's making me do this. How could she? Sending me away...on my own?!

My mom opens the door to my room and stands in the doorway. "It's such a mess in here, I hope you don't treat your dorm like this."

On second thought, maybe I wasn't so mad about leaving. After all, getting away from Mom sounds pretty good right now.

"Are you going to help me pack, or not?"

She steps over a small pile of papers that were in the way and knelt down to help shove things into my bags.


My mother and I arrive in a place called Death City. It took a really long time to get here, which is especially because I'm not expecting to stay long. They'll throw me out like every other school did. I sat quietly in the passenger seat tapping my foot.
"All right, (y/n), hop out but leave your stuff. We're going to talk with the principal about you moving in."

"I have to go too?"

"Yes, now come on. He said we could do it from here." My mother grabs my hand and pulls me into a small building with a red door. There's one small lamp on the ceiling and a mirror on the opposite wall.

"Where are they?" I ask.

My mom doesn't respond, instead, she pulls out a paper from the pocket of her jeans and breathes onto the mirror. I raise an eyebrow with concern. Her index finger writes the numbers "42-42-564".
"Mom! What are you do-"

"Helloooooooooo~" A funky voice calls from the mirror. I turned to see something you wouldn't have expected a principal to look like. He's dressed like he found fabric on the street and sewed it all together, and what's with the skull mask?
Mother calls to the mirror, "Are you Lord Death?"
"Lord what now??"

"Yes indeed! I assume you are the guardian of (y/n)?" She nods her head. "Well then," The reaper continues, "Let's get started then, shall we?"
I sort of just ignore most of what he says, it's just another school, it's not like I'm going to stay. My best guess to why I'm here is that it's some weird therapy school and that's why he doesn't show his face or something. I fiddle with my clothing as I stand and wait for my mom to finish and let me leave.

"I'm...not sure I understand your question, Mr. Death..." I tune back in again. It's not unlike my mother to not know the answer to something so I wait for my turn to butt in and help.

"Let's ask the kid, then. (y/n), are you a weapon or are you a meister?" I don't know the answer either.
"I...don't know what you're asking..."

"Mrs. (Last Name), are you sure this school is meant for your child?"

"Yes! (y/n) has this whole thing where they get sent home from schools all the time, and you sounded like you could help."

"What's the issue with them?"
"Knives." I butt in. I knew the answer to this one. After all, it was written all over my records.

Mom asks if I would show them to him, and, while I'm not exactly sure how to summon them, I get lucky and they listened.

Skull man begins to talk again, "Wow! That's not like anything I've ever seen before! At this school, you'll be considered a meister because you weild a weapon, but I'm not sure if it has a soul..."

A soul? This school is crazy.

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