Chapter 20: Frozen (Kid's POV)

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My face runs red hot. I turn myself away from the group slightly while I let it slowly shift back to a calmer look. My chest beats hard before slowing down to match the rate of those around me. It's honestly flattering how often (Y/n) has drawn me. I watch as Maka's shaky hands pull the drawing away from my view. As I get one last glance, I take note of the details of the drawing. Those damn stripes on my head! Is that my most descriptive feature? I can't believe I'm such an asymmetrical piece of garbage!

Liz take notice of my discomfort and pulls me to the wall along with Patty.

"Is something wrong, Kid?"

"Of course something is wrong! How long is it going to take the two of you to understand how disgusting the imbalance of my hair is!" My legs grow weaker and the girls grab my limbs to help keep me up.

"Kid, they're fine,"

"No they are not! Do they not cause sheer distress to anyone who takes notice of them? They're absolutely dreadful and I can't even get them off of my own head!"

"I think they're kind of cute," The voice fades and seems to get farther away. I shake off the Thompsons's grips and turn to look down the hallway. That hair is unmistakably (Y/n)'s. Those words...were (Y/n)'s...

Did they really...

"You little seducer," Liz jokes with me.

I barely listen to her or the jokes Patty's cracking. Instead, I'm staring as (Y/n) walks down the hall on their way home. I study the rhythm of their steps and the way their hips and arms sway as time passes. I'm completely captivated by their existence, left absolutely stunned by their comment.


"Kid? Kiiiiid~" Patty pokes my cheek and I finally snap back into reality.

"Oh you've totally got it bad for that one," Liz jests.

"No I do not!" I turn to both girls and place my hands firmly on my hips.

"Kid, you were having an anxiety attack about your hair and then completely snapped out of it with one measly sentence."

"Kid's got a crush on-"

"Hey! Shhh," I press my hands to Patty's face to keep her from saying anything else someone might hear. I know I'm not going to be able to avoid the teasing, but I at least want to wait until after we've arrived back at the manor to continue poking fun at me.

As we walk out the building, Liz starts the conversation back up, "Y'know, tomorrow is a perfectly good opportunity for you to make a few small moves,"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, Kid, you have so much to learn."

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