Chapter 16: Class

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Class goes by quite slowly again. But for some slightly different reasons. Not a single doodle lands on my page, I'm afraid of even picking up the pencil. What if I draw him again and he gets the wrong idea?

I can feel how close he is to me any time he makes a sound. I get that I'm not sitting where I'm supposed to, but do we really need to conserve space?

Liz was sitting to my left, and nudged me with her elbow.

"What?" I whisper angrily.

"Geez, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the roller skating rink with us on Wednesday," Liz teases.

Roller skating? I barely remember how to walk after being out for a week. Somehow, that's not the response I give though.

"Will Kid be there?"


"Only if you want me to," I feel Kid's arm wrap around my shoulder and I blush hard. What is this supposed to mean?

Kid awkwardly pulls away and the sisters laugh.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to do anything uncomfortable I just thought it'd be funny," He brushes off my shoulders and fixes my hair.

We both awkwardly look away and turn back to the papers on our desks. Only, I don't know what any of the questions on this paper mean. I flip to the front page of the packet but there aren't any answers that help me. I stare at the empty question, afraid to ask about what I don't know. Especially after being so awkward with Kid. I scribble around on the margin of the page, doodling some flowers and circles and whatever comes out.

It's just a small quiz, but I've only been here for one day and that was a week ago. I would ask Liz, but she doesn't seem to know either.

True or false:
A magic weapon needs 99 kishin egg souls and one witch soul to become a death scythe?

How am I supposed to know?

All of a sudden, Kid leans toward me with an elbow on the table.

"Confused?" He doesn't wait for my response, instead, he turns to my paper and reads it himself.

"Well, first of all," He points to the top of my page, "You got this one wrong." I playfully shove him as he laughs.

"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and sound body." The word body makes me look down at his. The way he says the word makes me feel it in my body too.

I grab my pencil and scribble out where I wrote "heart" and write "body" below it.

Kid gasps, "You can't just scribble out an answer!" He pulls out an eraser from his bag and pulls my paper towards him. He cleans off what I had just done and cleanly writes "body" with perfect circles in his letters.

He turns to me and says, "And why would you ruin such a nice paper by drawing in the margins?" As he looks back, we both notice what I had drawn. I really need to stop zoning out when I doodle. I drop my head into my palms.

"Is..." He blushes and looks up. I peek at him with the corner of my eye and throw my head into my arms on the table to cover the redness of my cheeks.

Maka behind us begins to laugh and Soul connects the dots and joins in too. Liz and Patty both looked over to see why they were giggling and figured it out as well.

"Hey! Why are being so loud up there?" Dr. Stein yells to us from his chair.

"Sorry," I say without lifting my head. A few other apologies fly around too.

Liz leans over to me, "So is this what we missed out on when you fainted?" I flip my paper over uncomfortably and sit up. I stare at the board, trying to figure out how to make this any less awkward. I can't.

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