Chapter 17: So Uncomfortable

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I wish I could make this less awkward, but I can't. It only gets more awkward.


Because the knives showed up, of course.

I see them in the palms of my hands and quickly try to hide them under the desk. I leave my hands between my legs looking for a way to distract from this, but people had already noticed.

"(Y/n), why do you have those-"

I sigh, "I don't normally control when they decide to appear," I clarify, "Sometimes there's a reason, sometimes there's not." I spin one around my fingers. "Don't worry, they can't do anything," I demonstrate by holding it up to the fabric of my shirt and slicing through it, only, it doesn't slice. My top is completely fine.

"How does that even work?" Maka asks.

"I like to think of them like ghosts. For example, they won't hurt anything that they touch without my intent of doing so." I show them how it goes through my paper as I swing through it, but can cut if I try to.

Kid doesn't seem to like the fact that I ripped my paper. "How could you just do such a thing to a perfect shape like that? It's absolutely abhorred now, you've-"

"It's fine, Kid." I close the packet to keep him from having to look at 'such an atrocity'.

"That's actually really cool," Soul tells me.

"Except for when they make you pass out," Maka jokes.

The blades settle and seem to fade away with the change in mood. I have a feeling they don't like stress.

I keep working on my quiz, but none of the answers seem to come to me, and I'm not sure I can ask Kid about it right now. For the past three minutes he's been trying to neatly write "true" under one of the questions. He's been working on the "u" for most of it. That's not the main reason why, but I convince myself it is.

As students begin turning in their quizzes, I just start scribbling in answers. I randomly circle words that seem to make sense, and try and logic out the rest.

Stein tells us that our time is up, so I close my packet and stand up.

"I can take it there for you," Kid tells me, reaching his hand out. I look at his fingers. Bony and glazed with a soft pink. My chest begins to warm as I think about intertwining them with mine.

He takes the paper from my hand that I didn't even know I was holding out.

"Thanks," I stutter uncomfortably and sit back down.

Liz turns her chair towards me, "I really hope Stein gets to see that drawing,"

"God I hate you," I say as I turn to her. She jokes around a bit before Kid finally comes back, and then she switches the topic completely.

"Have you ever even been rollerblading?"

"Pfft, no. I didn't really have time to do a lot," I tell her.

"Well tomorrow's going to be really interesting then," She smiles.

Everyone begins packing their things to go to lunch. I place the handout I had received into the front page of the notebook Kid gave me. As everyone slings their bags over their shoulders, I slide the notebook under my arm and head to the cafeteria.

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