Chapter 32: Grey Blanket

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How damn long were we out here? Tsubaki came out of the ballroom and found us chatting on the bench.

"We we're looking all over for the two of you!"

"Sorry," I tell her, "We both left our phones at the table," I feel a little embarrassed.

"At least you're both alright," She pulls out her phone, "I'll let everyone know we found you."

She turns to walk away and Kid and I look at each other.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"Almost 9,"

"Nine?!" We both yell. I can't believe we were out here for four hours! Tsubaki heads back in and we both get ready to go back in too. Kid looks me in the eyes as he fixes my hair.

"It was out of place," His smile lifts a little before he turns to go inside. As soon as we step in, Soul sees the two of us.

"See? I told you they were fucking in the bathroom!"

"Soul!" Maka scolds him. Kid and I don't even bother trying to deny it. We both just sigh and go to the table to get our stuff.

"They didn't even deny it!" He adds. I hate that boy sometimes.

Kid and I both open up the bags we brought, and he talks to me while we gather our things.

"I'm ace, by the way," He says to me, "Just in case you needed to convince them we aren't having sex," He brushes past it like a simple topic and zips up his bag. I pick up my phone off the table as he begins to walk away.

(A/N: Someone who's asexual experiences little to no sexual attraction.)

"Hold up," He stops and walks back to me, "I didn't even get a single selfie this entire night," I open up my camera and take a quick pic of the two of us. It was sort of awful, but I don't mind.

We meet up with Liz and Patty, and neither one of them will shut up about "us leaving them alone" or "going off on our own". They keep asking us what we did and were having fun completely avoiding answering the question. I think Kid is embarrassed about what happened with his anxiety. I don't mind keeping it a secret for him.

"What were you guys doing in a hallway for four hours?"

"Oh, you didn't know?" I joke, "We brought a Nintendo Switch with us and played Smash Bros, duh!"

"Don't lie to them, (Y/N), it was an xBox and we played Minecraft," Kid joins in the joke.

"That was second. He got bored of me beating him with Fire Emblem characters."

"You guys are so stupid," Liz teases.

"Yeah but they're our stupids!" Patty...tried..?

"Alright, well, I'm tired and everyone's gone, so we're going home," Liz puts her arms around us. Kid and I continue making stupid jokes about video games the whole way home.

"We built this super cool mansion and it only took one hour," He starts.

"Yes, but we couldn't find a village for so long."

"And it was trashy once we found it."

"(Y/n) fell in a ravine ten minutes in."

"I would never!" He's so stupid and annoying. I kinda love it.

"Hey," Kid steps closer to me as we walk, "It's only 9, we could play either of these when we get back," He scratches the back of his neck and looks off to the side.

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