Chapter 15: Maka

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While my eyes are closed and my head is down, I hear kid coming back in the room.

"I found her!" He yells and trots over with her. I pull my head back up and look at her.

"You really woke up! Wow!" Maka exclaims.

"Yeah I know, I know. It's cool, whatever. I have to talk to you." I tell her.

"About what?" She tilts her head.

I look over uncomfortably.

"Kid, could you give us a moment..?"

"Oh, of course. Sorry, I don't mean to be a bother." He bows and exits. I can see him still waiting outside the room.

We're silent for a minute while we wait for him to leave before I completely break it.

"What happened to that drawing after I fainted? Because if you showed it to Kid or anyone who wasn't in that room, I'll pull out those knives again and won't hesitate with them!"

"Hey! Don't worry," She steps back a little, "I didn't even show it to anyone there, I folded it and put it into my pocket." I lay my head down and sigh with relief.

"Thank you, Maka. I really appreciate it."

"I still have it in my bag," My heart stops for a bit.

"You didn't get rid of it?!"

"It's your work, I wouldn't want to do anything with it while you weren't conscious and able to tell me too. Plus, it was still art, I don't think I would get rid of it if you asked." I roll my eyes at her.

"And," She starts again, "Your dare is still in play. I'm going to show it to the three of them at some point."

"God, I hate you," I joke. Sorta.

"I promise it won't get out, and especially not to him. I wouldn't do that."

"Thank you." I look up at her and smile a bit. She smiles back at me and turns to leave the classroom.

"Hey Maka?"


"When are we gonna hang out again?"

"The group was planning on hanging on Wednesday if you want to join," She tells me.

I don't respond, but she understands that my reaction means yes. She leaves the room and tells Kid he can come back in. The make small chat as they walk back in and to their seats.

Kid places his bag down on the table in front of me and I finally realize I don't have mine.

"I can't do classes, I don't have my bag," I stand up and get ready to leave the classroom. Kid's arm stops me and pushes me back to my seat from across the table.

"You barely understand the concept of souls, I think it's fine that you won't have your notebook for one day. You can use some of mine." He pulls out a sleek (Fav Color) notebook and places it in front of me.

"I hope it's alright that it says my name," He adds and I look at the cover. A beautiful "Death the Kid" is printed in the center at the top of the cover in a clean sans-serif font. My face warms as I think of carrying around a notebook with his name on it.

He walks all the way around the table, leaving his right hand to drag across the top of it until he reaches the seat next to me and sits down. He pulls his bag down from the table and places on the ground between the two of us. I watch as his wrists poke out from his shirt sleeve when he reaches for it, and the way it gets covered when he lets go of the bag.

"You're staring quite intensely there, (Y/n)," Maka giggles from behind me. I can feel the blush rise to my face and I cover my cheeks with my hands. Kid smiles and pulls out some other materials from his bag, and I can't help but watch again.

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