Twenty Eight

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Emma's P.O.V.       December 25th

For the past few years, our Christmas mornings have been relaxing and peaceful, just like right now. Charlie woke about half an hour ago to eat, and instead of putting her back in her crib, I snuggle her close to my chest as I lay my own head on Harry's chest. I know that in any minute I'll be hearing two sets of feet running through the hallways, waking everyone in the house, so I don't bother trying to sleep.

Harry snores lightly, yet to be disturbed by the cute noises Charlie makes as she works on lifting her head and observing her surroundings. She gets quite the work out during the day with her cousins who are always wanting to play with her. Well, always may be an exaggeration. The boys do get frustrated and bored with her at times since there's only so much Charlie can do, and Mason has to be reminded to be gentle around her.

"It's Christmas, Charlie!" I whisper in excitement, "I'm so excited to dress you in your little outfit, you're going to look adorable."

"She's always adorable; she has your genetics," Harry adds, announcing his wake up. He shifts a little and rubs his eyes—I swear sometimes it seems like I have two babies.

"Merry Christmas, Daddy," I talk for Charlie while placing her on Harry's chest. He lifts his head to leave kisses all over Charlie's chubby cheeks, and then turns to kiss me as well.

"Merry Christmas, my darlings."

Our peaceful snuggles only last ten minutes before two little boys are knocking at our door.

"Come in," I say just loud enough for them to hear and coming running to us.

"Careful of the baby! Careful of the baby!" Harry says as the boys climb onto the bed with us, giggling like crazy. Jamie ends up on my side while Mason cuddles against Harry on the other.

"Charlie, Santa came last night!" Jamie pokes his head up to talk to her.

"Do you think he left presents for you guys?" Harry messes with the boys.

"I've been good!" Mason whisper-yells.

"I've been gooder!" Jamie says next, causing all of us to erupt into small giggles.

"Mason, Jamie, I thought I told you not to wake them?" Jared stands in the doorway, spotting his naughty twins.

"They were already awake!" the boys tell their father.

"Come join the cuddles," Harry cheekily waves Jared over. He shakes his head with a laugh and plops down on the end of the bed.

"Pee-yoo! Who farted?" Mason scrunches his face and plugs his nose.

"It was probably Charlie," Harry is too quick to respond, and pretty much everyone catches on.

"Yeah, blame it on the baby," Jared snorts.

"Ewww Uncle Harry!!" Jamie and Mason can't seem to contain their laughter this morning.

"It wasn't me! It was Charlie!" Harry lifts her into the air for show.

"What are you all up to?" My mom peaks her head in, holding a mug of delicious smelling coffee.

"Christmas cuddles!" Jamie squeals, "In here, Grandma!" he waves her inside, just like Harry did to Jared a bit ago.

"Oh, alright. Just for a little bit," she sits on the end of the bed nearest to Jamie and I.

After the excitement of the cuddling dies down, Mason and Jamie start whining about opening presents. Jared tells them to be patient, but in all honesty, I think Harry is the most impatient one. He keeps whispering things like, "I think Charlie wants up, You should wake Annie, The boys are getting reeeally antsy," to suggest he wants to go downstairs as well.

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