Chapter 3

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I walked out from that room as fast as I enter and made fool out of myself due to my impulsiveness. I groaned silently thinking how I made such threat to a wrong man! What was I thinking barging in here without making sure I was accusing the right man?

Claudia, you are a moron!

"Wait for me, Claudia!" I heard my best friend, Anna, called after me as I flagged for a taxi.

I turned my head slightly to look at her who was grinning ear-to-ear. I knew she was up to no good the way she was smiling at me. I knew she would tease me mercilessly about my mishap so I ignore her and desperately flagged for the available taxi. "Where's my sister?"

"She said she'll talk to Piero Orsini first."

"You shouldn't leave her alone inside!"

Anna rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Your sister is already a grown woman stop treating her like a child. She can take good care of herself. If it's not for her you will not be in this hot mess right now."

I remained silent because arguing with this woman was only pointless.

"What's the rush?" My best friend asked casually.

I glared at her sideways. "I don't want to talk about it. I want to get away from here as soon as possible before those gentlemen decide to come out also and mock me for my mistake!"

Anna chuckled hysterically. "Well, I must admit that's quite something else, Claudia dear. Going inside a Gentleman's club and start accusing things to an innocent guy. Man that was epic!"

"Are you done mocking me?" I asked her flatly. Desperately, looking back over my shoulder in case Mr. Alfonso Orsini decide to come after me and file charges against me. Thankfully, a taxi stopped in front of me. I didn't hesitate to get inside. The sooner I leave this place the better. "What are you doing?" I asked Anna when she also climbed at the back of the taxi sitting next to me.

She had the nerve to raise an eyebrow in my direction. "I will come with you, dearest. Who knows what kind of another mishap you are going to get yourself in today?"

Before I have the chance to retort the cab driver asked. "Where to, miss?"

I gave him a serene smile and muttered the address of my parents' house. Once the taxi sped away on the streets of Rome I took a deep breath trying to forget my humiliating moment a while ago. I don't have the time chat with this woman sitting beside me since I was still trying to forget my most embarrassing moments. I leaned on the car window closing my eyes forgetting what just happened back at that club.

"Have you notice...?" Anna broke the silence inside the car ride. So much for the peace of mind I was hoping for.

"What?" I abruptly opened my eyes and look at my best friend with a guarded look.

She smiled at me, her eyes twinkling. "That Orsini guy..."

"Which one?" I asked tartly. I was on the process of forgetting that unfortunate encounter now Anna was once again reminding me. "There are two Orsini men remember?"

She smirked knowingly in my direction. "Why so bothered?"

I took a deep breath and stared at her straight in the eyes. "Because I'd rather forget the whole thing especially those Orsini men."

"But you must admit that they are rather gorgeous men that kind of gorgeous that often makes women follow them with their eyes longingly."

"No. They're not." I snorted and denied it fiercely.

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