Chapter 25

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I couldn't help the grin on my face while remembering the events of yesterday. Claudia was glued to my side throughout the day despite her obvious protest and her insistence that she wants to go home. Thank goodness, the old man was there to assist me in persuading her to say a little bit more at the party.

If I didn't know better I would assume that Salvatore had taken a liking to this enchanting creature just like me and did everything to push the lady to me.

How can I exactly chide my father with his sly moves when that's also what I wanted in the first place? For the first time, I let Salvatore do his annoying matchmaking and let him think that Claudia might be the suitable bride for men. Right now, I am very much open to the idea now unlike before.

"That's a quiet smile you got there, son." My father remarked when I realize that he was staring at me now for quite some time.

I immediately removed the smile playing on my lips at his remark. I stared straight into his eyes with a scowl on my face. "I don't know what you mean."

Salvatore opened the newspaper he'd been reading again and buried his face in the broadsheets. "You've been grinning like an idiot for the past half an hour while we're in complete silence. It makes me worried about the state of your mental health and wondered if you're going to deny it, figlio."

"Don't be so overdramatic," I informed him with slight irritation in my voice. "I do not do such a thing. I just remember something that's why I crack into a small smile, that's all."

"Oh, yeah?" My father lowered the morning paper he'd been reading slightly until his eyes met mine slightly. There was a knowing smile playing on his lips right now which I don't like. "Don't tell me the reason for that strange smile had something to do with the beautiful Claudia Romano, son?"

I frowned in his direction darkly. The last thing I want was for him to fish out information about the current status of my relationship with Claudia when I don't know for sure if I am making a progress here. "I will not tell you anything."

It was my father's turn to scowl in my direction. "Oh, come one, is that the proper way to treat your father, Alfonso? Have you forgotten the ultimatum I have given you not so long ago? I want you to get married within a year or I will disinherit you."

I groaned remembering that idiot idea of his of me being leg shackled. I threw a dark glare at him. "Why are you so obsessed with me getting married? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm still young to settle down?"

"You are not getting any younger," Salvatore contradicted, his dark eyes were hard on me. "How long do you think I have left on this earth watching my only son pinning for a woman who was so busy with her career and probably doesn't have plans of having a family."

"Dad," there was an unmistakable warning in my voice, closing my eyes I pinch the bridge of my nose as I could feel the growing headache. "Let's not go there, per favore."

My father shrugged nonchalantly as he focused his attention back on the papers in his hand. "Why? Can't handle the truth? Not that I blame you. They say that truth is hard to swallow." He paused for a moment before dropping another subtle insult at me. "I sympathize with you, son. Believe me. If I were in your position I would also feel miserable just like you are now."

I exhaled a deep breath. This conversation is going nowhere. I need to have the facts straights here to avoid another confusion. I stared at my father annoyingly. "To be honest with you, Dad. Violet is the last thing on my mind right now. With her busy schedule with the movie she's currently filming abroad, I haven't talked to her in ages."

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