Chapter 31

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"What do you want?"

"That's not the right way to talk to your new acquaintance, Miss Romano. I thought you should be warmed up a bit to me by now." There was a light teasing in his voice while he was eyeing me with amusement in his green eyes.

I rolled my eyes in his direction, making sure that he get the message that I don't have time for his pointless flirting. "What do you want, sir?" I gave him a big fake smile while waiting for his order.

"I want a slice of your time," he quipped, his eyes twinkling merrily.

I stared at him sarcastically, the smile was still fixed on my face but I was getting irritated early in the morning because of him. He has reminded me of someone I profusely left in Italy. "That's not on the menu, sir. Please refer your order to what's available on the menu."

"Aw, what a pity." Daniel St. Clair threw a disappointed looked at me while glancing sightlessly at the menu in his hand.

It took every ounce of my self-control not to roll my eyes again because I didn't want to be rude since he was still an avid customer of my grandparents' restaurant. Just like what Nonna told me when I first met him when I arrived here a few days ago he's a nice guy but he's lethal when it comes to women. Nonna warned him with the likes of him to be careful when dealing with this kind of guy.

His charm would be dangerous if I let him flirt his way with me.

"You're wasting my time here," I couldn't help but be mean. "If you don't want to order I will leave you in peace and serve another customer, Mr. St. Clair."

He sighed dramatically, focusing his eyes on the menu in his hand. "All right, fine." He stared at me intently. "What do you recommend from this menu?"

I blinked at the unexpected question. Was he being serious? I raised an eyebrow in his direction but he seems genuine in asking that inquiry. "Well, my Nonno makes the best Carbonara."

"Is that so?" He said, giving the menu back to me with a smile. "I'll have two Carbonara, and two glasses of your best wine to pair with the Carbonara."

"Two?" I echoed, making sure I heard him right when I was about to write it down in my small notebook.

"Yes. Two orders." Daniel replied with a winsome smile on his lips. "You heard it correctly."

I gave a speaking glance at the vacant chair in front of him. He couldn't possibly eat all of that however delicious my Nonno's cooking.

"If you're thinking that's all for me you're mistaken, Miss Claudia." He said as if reading my mind. "I will share my orders with someone."

Oh, so he has a lunch date today? Ever since I came I didn't see him dine with ladies here but according to Nonna he frequently brought different women here before. Well, I guess that he's back with his quest. "Ten to fifteen minutes, sir."

"Tell your grandfather to take his time cooking the most delicious Carbonara I will probably eat in my life."

I fixed my gaze on him, studying if he's being serious or what because he was one devious teenager in my opinion. It didn't help that he's heir to a million-dollar jewelry empire that's why most ladies here in New York try so hard to get his attention. "I will get back with your order, sir."

I finally have the chance to leave his blasted table and serve the other newcomers, even though I'm far away from him I was well aware of his eyes fixed on me intently. I didn't know what kind of games he was playing but it seems that I caught his eye and I don't like it.

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