Chapter 19

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Our acting skills were tested when Alfonso told me we need to attend a private party on the Amalfi Coast hosted by his friend, the duke. I met him once or twice in the past, he's a dashing fellow with a pair of striking grey eyes. He seemed to be a very good friend of Alfonso than a mere acquaintance.

During the three-hour-long drive, I prepared myself mentally on how to act sweet in front of his friends as we agreed. He specifically told me that he doesn't want his friend to suspect that we're just faking this courtship thing but it makes me wonder if this group of people were his real friends how come he lied to them about the real status of his relationship with the actress?

Does that mean that the actress was not friends with them?

I sighed deeply, I have no business thinking about that. I have my problems to think of, starting with the fact that Dante hasn't called me yet since he went abroad a few weeks ago. It wasn't like him it makes me anxious about his whereabouts.

"What are you thinking?"

The question slightly caught me off guard. I didn't expect him to throw such a question on our silent drive to Amalfi. I smiled at this benefit. I couldn't say to him that I am thinking about Dante and his lengthy absence, right? "Nothing important."

"Nothing important?" He echoed in skepticism, raising an eyebrow in my direction for a moment before focusing his attention on the hairpin curve of Positano a village on the Amalfi Coast. "If you could see your face your forehead crease so much."

"Oh, don't mind me." I waved my hand dismissively. I straightened out my fluffy skirt with my palms. "I am just meditating, that's all."

His mouth curved with a knowing smile. "Should I be supposed to believe that?"

"Of course," I said with such a straight face. "I am just preparing myself for what to expect at this party. I can't believe you have to drag me to Amalfi Coast just to attend this party. Is this how rich people throw parties every time?"

Alfonso glanced at me for a moment with a strange smile playing on his lips. "Blame Luca—that is the duke for it. He likes throwing a party in his villa in Amalfi. Maybe to flaunt his family's massive wealth or he's just a bastard who wants us to drive for a few hours on these dangerous roads just to attend."

I studied him for a moment. Maybe he was really a good friend of this royalty for him to call a respected duke with such a foul word like 'bastard'. "Tell me, who will attend this gathering? Will the elite member of the Italian society will be present?"

He caressed his bottom lips with his thumb while thinking about how to answer me. "I am not sure but knowing Luca, I think this will be a small affair with few people in attendance. That man doesn't like mingling with such a large crowd."

"Unlike you?" I couldn't help but ask acidly.

He threw me a disapproving look. "What a harsh thing to say? I thought we already established that we were on the same team. Why are you attacking me, sweetheart?"

I rolled my eyes at him as I tried very hard to stop the chuckle. "I am just asking, caro."

The laugh I have been trying so hard to stop finally let loose when I saw how color stained his cheeks up to his ears. Oh my God, what's with this playboy who kept on blushing with simple endearments? I didn't expect it from him. "Stop laughing, will you?!"

"Why are you so mad at me?" I asked between my laughter, wiping the side of my eyes in case it might ruin my makeup. "When you're the one who's trying to be funny? Look you're as red as the tomato from a simple endearment from a woman."

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