Chapter 17

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"We're here," Alfonso announced brightly when parked his car in front of the small bed and breakfast just outside of Rome.

I unwillingly slid of his car and stared at my surroundings in wonderment. I can't believe that he's serious when he said that he would kidnap me. I looked at his smiling face I couldn't believe that Alfonso Orsini would go this far.

"You're expecting me to spend the night here with you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in his direction.

He shrugged indifferently, still holding the passenger's door for me. The pleasant smile on his face was still there. "Why not?" He queried. "Are you forgetting our deal about the weekend dates, Claudia mia? We're just here to play the part of our bargain."

I rolled my eyes at him, tucking my hand in the middle of my body. "If I remember it correctly, Mr. Orsini, we didn't agree to have an overnight outside the countryside."

He grinned rakishly, his dark eyes danced with mischief. "Maybe it's time for us to try something else other than day dates."

"In short, you want to try something reckless and risk your valued bachelorhood when Papa learns about this kind of getaway?" I asked him indecorously with challenging eyes. "Need I remind you, Signore, that my father is a well-known lawyer he can put to behind bars in no time? It would not help you even if you are the son of his client.

He chuckled at the thought, closing the door of his car firmly. "I am sure he will not do that but I think he will just demand union from us."

I looked at him with a horrified expression. "And you're not scared at the thought? Aren't you forgetting that we're just faking it? What about your actress? And then, there's Dante..."

I trailed off my words when I saw the day his bright expression darkened at the mention of those two names. "There's nothing to worry about," he stated dismissively. "Your father will not know about this. We will just call your friend and inform her about our trip."

"Trip?" I echoed in disbelief. "I think the word you should be using is 'kidnapping'. You dragged me here against my will, remember?"

He gave me an amused look. "Oh, come on, now... for a woman who has kidnapped you certainly the only woman I know that is arguing with her captor."

I snorted, shaking my head in the process. "Because my kidnapper is an idiot who is not thinking straight. I just want to put some sense inside that thick head of his. I don't want his reckless decision to come and haunt us in the future."

"Don't worry about it, Claudia." He declared breezily. "Let's just enjoy this picturesque town, shall we?"

"How can I enjoy this when I was being dragged here against my will?" I muttered under my breath sarcastically.

He sighed deeply, regarding at me with an exasperated expression on his handsome face. "You're still not over it? We're already here, dolcezza. All we can do is enjoy what this quaint little town has to offer."

I eyed him for a long moment, I don't know if I was searching for something on his face or what but after a moment of staring at each other's eyes I was the one who first broke the eye contact. I shook my head to clear my head. "Why are you doing this, Alfonso?"

"Why?" He frowned at me as if he wasn't expecting that question from me. "As I told you before, I want us to end this nonsense about—"

"I already know that," I interrupted him, staring deep into his eyes. "What I want to know if that's the only reason why even resort in abducting me in front of my workplace? Are you not scared of the consequence of your action back there?"

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