Chapter 33

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To say that my grandparents don't like Alfonso—especially Nonno would be an understatement from the look on Nonno's disapproving face earlier suggested that he didn't like the idea that guys were after his granddaughter.

For him, all boys were probably cut from the same cloth and they were trying to corrupt his precious granddaughter, and right now he was standing in front of me with his arms crossed in his middle a stance that says that he was ready for battle. My sympathetic grandmother was sitting next to me holding my slightly cold hands.

"How did you meet him, Claudia?" Nonno bombarded me with that opening question, his gaze was filled with questions.

I sighed deeply. I knew that he would interrogate me as soon as we were alone in their home. "As I said, I met him because Papa is working for the older Signore Orsini." That's technically true but I didn't just elaborate on how our first meeting actually occurred. I believe there's no need for him to know such details.

"Do you have personal knowledge about their family?" My grandmother asked gently, staring into my eyes.

"You mean how wealthy their family is?" I stated back, looking at my Nonna's calm face. "If that's what you mean, Nonna, then the answer is yes. I am very much aware of their wealth and I've been to their vineyard a few times."

"Do you know what kind of man he is, Claudia?" Nonno remained standing, trying to intimidate me with his presence.

I frowned at my grandfather. "What do you mean?"

"He's rich, a handsome young boy, and he can have any ladies he wants and he's—"

"He's a good man, Nonno," I said firmly to my grandfather. There's no way I would let him have a prejudice against Alfonso just because of what he heard back in Italy or just because of his family background without knowing him personally.

Grandfather scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "Dio."

I scowled at him irritably, there were times when my grandfather was as stubborn as mule. A trait I probably inherited from him. "Why do you have this preconceived notion about him even before knowing him? You didn't even invite him to have dinner with us. What's wrong with you, Nonno?"

Grandfather's eyes were filled with hurt. "Now you're raising your voice on me, young lady, because of him. Tell me, is he a good influence in your opinion."

I groaned, sorely wanting to slap my forehead due to frustration because of my impossible grandfather. "Oh, Nonno..."

"Stop upsetting your granddaughter." My ever-kind grandmother reprimanded him sternly next to me on the sofa. "Why don't you give that young man a chance to prove himself? I know that Claudia will not choose him if he's not worthy of her time and affection." She looked at me with gleaming eyes. "Why don't we invite that young man for breakfast tomorrow?"

I stared at Nonna with hopeful eyes, as happiness spread through me. I knew that I could count on Nonna on this. "Can we do that?"

"Why should we do that?" Grandfather queried obstinately, giving us a thunderous look. "I don't like the idea that strangers coming into our house."

There was a warning glance on my grandmother's face as she was staring at Nonno. "He's not a stranger as you put it. He's Claudia's special friend and we should invite him over to get to know him because that will make your granddaughter happy."

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