Chapter 28

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"Earth calling, Claudia..."

My attention was snapped to the present when I heard Anna's voice. I saw her looking at me with accusing eyes. "What?"

"A penny for your thoughts?" She asked, sipping her coffee while leaning on the counter early in the morning.

I frowned at her. I don't think I like the way she's staring at me with those judging eyes of hers. "What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean."

"You seem miles away from here." She remarked, still studying my face intently. "Care to share what's bothering you? I feel like I've been talking to the wall all morning. Are you with me, Claudia?"

I smiled at her and waved my hand dismissively. "Oh, don't mind me. I am just thinking about something but nothing important."

"I think it's important enough," she contradicted, sipping her coffee again. "You kept on playing with your breakfast with your fork. So why don't you tell me what's bothering you? Who knows I might help you with your woes."

I took a deep breath as I let go of my fork and sat back in my chair. I gave my best friend a guarded look while she was gazing at me with curiosity. I internally debated if I should tell her or not but knowing Anna she wouldn't stop until I spill everything. "The truth is, Violetta Ricci, is in town."

Anna clicked her tongue, placing her mug on the kitchen counter behind her. "That explains everything."

My eyebrows drew together while staring at her. "What do you mean that explains everything? No. It does not. I merely mentioned it to you."

"Let me guess," she said, tucking her arms in her middle. "The reason why you're behaving like this is that Alfonso was with her right now."

"Yes..." I answered but when a smile appeared on her face I immediately added. "...but I am not sad because he's with her, just to be clear."

She tilted her eyebrow in my direction. "Oh? Why do I have a hard time believing that, my dear? Are you sure that you're not worried right now?"

"Worried?" I echoed with a scorn laugh. What kind of nonsense was she spouting? "Why will I be worried in the first place?"

Anna pretended to think for a moment, tapping her chin with her index finger. "Maybe because that actress steals away your beau for a weekend getaway."

I snorted at the thought, looking away from the knowing gaze of my friend. "Don't be ridiculous, Anna. Why would I be affected if they were together at the moment? I don't care what the hell they were doing with their lives."

"Ah," My best friend established, nodding her head in understanding. "You're not worried, sorry my bad. You're fumingly mad."

"What?" I asked indecorously. "What kind of nonsense are you talking about early in the morning? Remind me again why would I be mad?"

"Because you're jealous?" Anna suggested maddeningly, there was a sly smile playing on her lips.

I laughed at her ridiculous idea. There was something wrong with the brain of my friend early this morning. She kept on saying nonsense about me being jealous that Alfonso runaway with his actress the moment that woman went back here to Italy.

Oh, please... I don't remotely care if he eloped with her. It has nothing to do with me, we're just pretending to be courting in the first place. If they decide to run away together the better so he would be off my back. I can get on with my life just like before he messed with my life like the very devil that he is.

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