Chapter 38

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The following morning, my heart dropped in the pit of my stomach at the news I just received from her roommate.

Claudia is missing.

My mind refused to believe such news. How could that be possible? I made sure to drop her off inside their apartment around midnight I even kissed her goodbye with a promise that I would give her a ride to their office this morning so how could Anna inform me that she was missing?

"Are you sure that she didn't go to her parent's home?" I asked Anna while pacing their small living room like a caged beast.

The distraught woman shook her head while her eyes misted with tears. "No. I already called her mother but she's not there. I didn't want to alarm her parents because I might be wrong but I am scared that she just vanished in the thin air. It wasn't like her to do that."

"Are you sure she didn't go somewhere?"

Anna shook her head, nodding at Claudia's handbag on the sofa nearby. "She will not leave this apartment without her keys and wallet with her. The only way that she can go out without her things is when someone forcibly took."

"You mean she's been kidnapped?" The thought made the blood in my veins boil. Who the fuck will kidnap her? As far as I am concerned she doesn't have enemies that will go after her.

"I think so."

I wiped my face with my palms as frustration was getting the best of me. "We have to inform the authorities about this. Claudia might be in grave danger as we speak." I let out a furious sigh. "If I catch those kidnappers I will kill them with my bare hands."

"I'm terrified, Alfonso." Claudia's best friend admitted, her eyes filled with anxiety. "What if something bad happened to my friend? We have to find her as soon as possible."

"I know," I answered gravely, already making my way to the telephone on the side table. "I will ask for my friends' help. The duke has some connections that might be useful in this situation. I will just give him a call."

With shaky hands, I tried to dial Luca's number hoping that he was in his office. Thankfully, he answered after a few rings. "I need your help," I was aware of the worried expression Anna has been throwing in my direction. "I think someone abducted Claudia here in their apartment I need you to help me find her."

I was grateful that he was ready to help me at once. When I placed the receiver back on the phone I decided to call my cousin, Piero. I knew that we might not always be on the same page with him but I knew that I could count on him when needed.

I was about to leave the apartment to start tracking down Claudia when a newcomer arrived. My eyes instantly narrowed in his direction and I have almost forgotten about his existence.

Dante, the suitor.

The scowl deepens on my face when I notice that he's holding a bouquet in his hand and a box of chocolate. Wasn't he informed about the news of Claudia and me exclusively dating since a few days ago?

"What are you doing here?" I asked disapprovingly, giving him a cold look.

He smiled pleasantly in my direction, completely unbothered by my unwelcoming behavior. "I came here because I want to see, Claudia. Last time I check this is where the woman I've been courting resides. Where is she, by the way?"

"She's not here," I replied curtly. The sooner I made to this man that he no longer have the chance with my girlfriend the better. Claudia was officially done accepting suitors because she already have me.

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