Chapter 4

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I still don't know what madness had possessed me to visit my parents in their vineyard early this Sunday morning.

Usually, I am still in bed in this time of the day after partying hard last night with my group of friends. But that thing never happened when a pretty little thing barged in our VIP room and accused me of things that I have no idea about.

A small smile fitted my lips. The whole thing amuses me every time I recall the event last night. That was probably the first time a woman boldly marched in a gentleman's club declare a war with a man and then refuse to properly apologize when she learns her mistake.

The smile was replaced by a frown in my forehead.

Wait a minute...

It's not as if I am enjoying that fiasco last night. It reminded me that I need to have a word with my damned cousin about using my name with his philandering way. I don't want yesterday's mishap from happening again.

But what I still don't get was the fact that I am so early at the Orsini Vineyard. I have million things to do than subject myself from another round of lectures from the old man.

"I am surprised to see you early this morning, Alfonso. If I recall you are not a morning person."

I threw a disapproving frown on my father's direction. "I came here to visit mother."

"Really?" My father asked, settling back from his chair as he sat from the mahogany chair in the library of this manor.


Salvatore Orsini smiled privately that made me scowled even more in my direction.

"Is there anything that you want to say to me, Padre?"

My father eyed me for a moment as if gauging my reaction or worse yet he was simply playing with me. "Nothing much. I just want to inquire about the progress about your quest in finding a bride. I am getting impatient here, my boy."

I winced upon hearing the absurd ultimatum the old man had given me. I almost forgot about it. I stood from my chair and walked towards the glass window overlooking the fields of grapes trees sprawled before my eyes.

Do I really need to surrender my freedom for this massive land our family owned for centuries?

If I don't find myself a wife soon this old man was threatening me to disinherit me named the annoying Piero as his heir. I knew he was just bluffing but...

I took a deep breath as I continue to stare outside. "Taking a wife is the last thing on my mind as of now, father."

"Is this reluctance have something to do with this certain young actress? Violetta Ricci, is it?"

I turned around to look at my father sharply. "Where did you get that?"

"Really, Alfonso." Salvatore stared at me with calculated eyes. "Whom do you think you're talking to?"

I felt my jaw clenched. Of course, no information escape my father I should have known better. "It's not what you think."

My father arched a brow. "I think your reluctance to marriage has something to do with this woman. Tell me, she doesn't want be your wife yet because of her budding career, is it?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." I informed him with irritate tone.

"I think you do." The annoying old man contradicted. "I think you dating different women almost every week is just a ploy to cover up the real score between you and this young actress."

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