Chapter 16

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"Now spill," I demanded to my sister once we arrived home. Half of the time during the Opera I was aware of the devil who keeps on annoying me throughout the night. He kept on making me uncomfortable or with I was pointedly ignoring him he would make sure that I would be aware of his presence.

"I don't know what you mean, Claudia," Gianna replied, avoiding my gaze. I knew when she was lying she couldn't look straight into my eyes.

I took a deep breath, tucking my arms in my middle while cornering my devious sister. "Don't play an innocent act on me, woman. It wouldn't work on me. Who gave you those tickets?"

"Why are you so interested in that?" She muttered, unable to meet my eyes. "The play is over and you did enjoy it, right?"

I couldn't help but sneer at that. "Did I enjoy it? Partly, yes, but how can I fully enjoy my very first Opera when those Orsini men didn't leave our side? It seems that they were our dates for the event. Have you seen the curious expression the other people thrown in our direction during the performance?"

Gianna pouted her mouth like a child, still avoiding my accusing glare. "How can people assume that when Piero and his cousin were only our seatmates during the Opera?"

"Don't play dumb, woman," I informed her dryly. "I knew it wasn't just a mere coincidence that they happened to be sitting next to us the size of that hall. What are the odds?"

She took a deep breath. "So suspicious, Claudia."

"Tell me, was it Piero Orsini who gave you those tickets?" I asked though I have had this suspicion since the play started I want this woman to admit out loud that the whole thing was planned. Gianna remained silent, biting her bottom lip. My eyes narrowed at her. "I am waiting, Gianna..."

"So what if he gave me those tickets?" She finally spilled the truth, looking at me with annoyance on her face. "Nothing would change if you learn that those tickets came from Piero. You did enjoy the Opera, after all."

I knew that this was Alfonso's doing. He wanted to either bribe me or corner me because I was avoiding him and at the same time I was furious at myself. But how on earth did he know that I like that play so much?

"It's your man's doing," Gianna stated as if reading my thoughts. "According to Piero, you are avoiding the poor man that's why he's making effort to see you."

"Oh, please..." I snorted, shaking my head in disbelief. "...clearly, you fell on the devil's lie again. I am not avoiding that man I am angry at him. And for the record, he's not my man."

My sister rolled her eyes at me. "Oh, come on, from what I have heard you're spending a lot of time with Piero's cousin every weekend according to your roommate."

That snitch... My mouth twisted with distaste. I never knew that Anna would disclose such information to my sister. I specifically told her to keep this secret between us, I guess she couldn't be trusted.

"Are you dating him?"

"No!" I answered almost violently because I was caught off-guard with her question. Why would she automatically assume that I am dating that awful man? "Never!"

Gianna blinked, clearly taken aback by my fierce reaction. She smiled knowingly in my direction. "There's no need to react violently, Claudia." And then she added under her breath. "You are being too obvious."

"Gianna..." I started.

She held up her hands. "All right, fine. Whatever. But just a reminder that Orsini men can be a charmer when they want to."

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