Chapter 29

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Ah, New York City...

I breathed the air of this bustling city as soon as I exited the airport terminal. I still couldn't believe that I was here when only yesterday I was in the apartment I shared with Anna and enjoying my salted coffee.

With the help of Papa's connection, I managed to book a flight on the same day. Even though, my father was reluctant to let his eldest daughter travel alone he finally let me go after some persuasion from my mother.

Nonno and Nonna were also surprised but delighted at the same time that I decide to visit them in New York. All in all, it went well and I am happy to be in this foreign land for the first time. Even if, I had a lack of sleep due to endless travel I think everything was worth it.

I stood near the curb facing the oncoming traffic and raised my hand as the taxi approached my direction. I think riding a taxi was way better than riding a bus with my luggage in tow. I gave the address of my grandparents in the Greenwich Village on the west side of lower Manhattan to the driver once I hailed a cab.

After a thirty minutes car ride, the vehicle finally pulled in front of the small Italian restaurant and a familiar figure was already outside waiting for me. I paid the cab driver and pulled out my luggage with me.

Nonna!" I jumped at the welcoming arms of my grandmother as she hugged me tightly. It's been three years since they moved to America. "I miss you!"

"Piccola," my grandmother sniffed. I could feel that she was shaking with unshed tears. "I miss you so much." She drew back from our embrace, kissing both of my cheeks. "Look at you! You became more beautiful in the last three years that I haven't seen you. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Nonna," I replied with a smile, standing still while my grandmother inspect me intently from head to toe.

Nonna smiled back at me, her eyes still misted with tears. "When your father called yesterday I couldn't believe that you were coming here for a visit. I mean your Nonno and I were taken by surprise but we're glad that you decide to visit us here."

"Where's Nonno, by the way?" I asked looking around because there was no sign of my grandfather.

She gestured to the small restaurant with her thumb. "In the kitchen, cooking. He can't just leave the kitchen when there are so many people around this time dining here but I am sure he's excited to see you. He couldn't sleep last night because he can't wait to see you."

My face broke into a broad smile and look around. "Where do you live around here, Nonna?"

She pointed to the second floor of the building. "Upstairs."

I couldn't help but laugh looking at my grandmother. "How convenient is that? You're living on the second floor of your restaurant."

"Right?" Nonna grinned at me. Despite their advanced age, my grandparents were still in good shape like they were just in their forties. "Come, I know that you must be tired from your long hours of flight. Let me take you to your bedroom. I hope that you will like it despite the limited time we have to decorate it according to your liking."

"You didn't have to do that," I protested lightly when she led me upstairs. "Any room will be fine for me. You don't have to trouble yourself for a such a trivial matter."

Nonna threw a disapproving look in my direction. "Of course, it matters. We only want what's best for our princess. I spend many hours finding the perfect bedding for your room. Take a rest while I help your Nonno downstairs."

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