Chapter 34

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I stared at Alfonso with a mixture of amusement and disbelief while he served tables at my grandparents' small restaurant with much enthusiasm on his face. This was one of the things he does to soften up my grandfather.

It's been three days since he started working here despite Nonno's protest that we didn't need another hired help and besides he told us that he couldn't possibly afford to give salary to Alfonso which my boyfriend replied—goodness, I could feel that my cheeks warming up at the thought—replied that he wants to work free at the restaurant to help us.

Nonno firmly refused but Alfonso insisted that he has nothing better to do here in New York than help my grandparents run their small business. So far, he's been essential help in the restaurant Nonna's workload lessened considerably thanks to him.

My eyebrows knitted together watching Alfonso serve tables. Before he came into the picture the restaurant already has its loyal customers but now that the news of a young insanely handsome waiter in this small restaurant spread around town like wildfire ladies swarm the place like bees on a lone flower in the garden.

What the... I bit back the curse that wanted to escape my mouth as I watched from the sidelines how ladies smiled too adoringly in his direction while taking their orders. I tightened my hold on the silver tray in my hand as I was tempted to hit it on the head of those women over there.

"I like him, Claudia." My grandmother spoke beside me, distracting me from my dark thoughts about staging a murder inside their restaurant.

I looked at her a little distractedly. "What do you mean?"

She smiled at me tenderly, gesturing for Alfonso with her head. "Your man. He's polite, patient and most importantly he's understanding with your grandpa's stubbornness."

I took a deep breath, remembering how rude Nonno was to him. "If only Nonno can see the things you notice, Nonna, then I would be truly happy."

"Oh, he knows it too," Grandmother replied with a soft laugh. "Believe me, Claudia, your Nonno likes him more than he shows. I bet he was just testing how serious Alfonso is to you. He wants to be sure that you're in good hands."

Hope lit inside my heart. I looked at Nonna with hopeful eyes. "You think so?"

There was a gentle smile on my Nonna's face as she affectionately tapped my shoulder. "I know your grandfather for decades and I know how his brain works. He might look like he disapproved of that young man but deep inside I know that he likes him. You see, even with his dire remarks about Alfonso he didn't send him away when Alfonso kept on showing up at our door. He still let him eat meals with us from breakfast to dinner even if he kept on insisting that he doesn't like the young man."

"What if he truly doesn't like Alfonso because he's simply rich?" I voiced out, as uncertainty run through my spine. "I think Nonno doesn't have a high opinion of the elite one percent of the Italian society."

"Honey," Nonna stared me straight in the eyes as they held seriousness in their depth. "Your grandpa's bark is worse than his bite. Believe me, he likes Alfonso, I mean, where else can you find an heir serving tables in a small restaurant just to please the grandfather of the woman he's dating."

I raised an eyebrow at my Nonna with such amusement. "Alfonso truly won you over, does he?"

My grandmother gave me a self-conscious smile touching her cheeks slightly as if she was somewhat embarrassed. "As long as I can see that he's sincere with his intention towards you and he loves you then I like him. It doesn't matter if he's an heir or penniless orphaned."

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