Chapter 7

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Fifteen minutes before the office hours ends, the editorial department of our company was buzzing with gossip that there was a sinfully handsome man outside the office building in his sleek red sports car.

I didn't bother to peek at the glass window like my other female colleagues acting as if this was the first time they see such male species in their lifetime.

I hid my smile. I have some idea who might be that guy without even looking at the subject of our office gossips.

He really does come here pick me, has he?

I didn't mind them as I continue with my work but that doesn't mean that I didn't hear my workmates giggling like school girl while admiring his godlike beauty.


"Can you believe such man exist?" One of the girls looking at the glass window commented. "I mean, such handsomeness should be illegal."

"Yeah," her companion agreed with a dreamy sigh.

"Do you think he's waiting for someone in our office building?" The third lady asked curiously. "Look. There's even a huge bouquet of pink roses in the seat of his car."

Upon hearing that my lips curved with a smile despite trying so hard to remain focus with my work.

"I wish he's waiting for me." The newcomer said also staring from the glass window.

I rolled my eyes. You wish!

"I wonder who the lucky girl is." The first woman moments ago wondered out loud. "Do you think she's from our office?"

Oh, it's just me, you know.

I can't help to wonder what will my colleagues will do if they found out that man is actually waiting for me and he's my fake suitor.

"Claudia," one of the girls called my attention. "Come here and look at this man."

I want to roll my eyes but I held myself in check. I don't want to be boastful but I have enough of his loathsome face in the last forty-eight hours since meeting him.

Even though, I really don't want to see his face anytime soon I reluctantly went to stand next to the glass window so my workmates not think that I am a snob.

I saw the subject of their admiration and the subject of my irritation outside with leaning casually in his cherry red sports car in his casual pair of khaki trousers and figure fitting white short-sleeve polo.

He unbutton the first two buttons of his polo to give people a glimpsed of his well-defined chest while smoking cigarette giving the impression of bad boy image.

"Don't you think that man is damn gorgeous?" Someone asked me.

It took every ounce of my self-control not to scoff upon hearing that. "Yeah," I agreed sarcastically. "He's fine."

Everyone who were staring at the window with me turned their heads in my direction and gasped.

"But he's more than fine!" The woman beside me protested firmly. "Clearly, you need a glasses, Claudia."

I grimaced at them. This man's fans club was getting bigger without exerting much effort from his part. Even Anna was now part of his cult.

It makes me wonder what these ladies will do if they learn how awful this man's personality is. Beneath that handsome face he was a devious bastard. Maybe they will be turn off in no time.

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