Chapter 21

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"Dante!" I exclaimed when I saw a tall handsome man standing outside the door of the apartment I shared with Anna.

"Buonasera, Claudia." He replied with a smile playing on his lips.

I tried to prevent the shock from showing even further on my face upon seeing him in our doorway this late afternoon. I attempted to smile for his benefit but I fear that I gave him a rather forceful one. I hope that he didn't notice. "What are you doing here? I thought you'll be gone for a whole month?"

Once again, he grinned in my direction while rocking his feet back and forth a sign that he was nervous for some reason. Was he tense to see me? "Our training in Paris ended earlier than I expected." He raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

My heart raced in my chest. Not because I was happy to see him but because I was unprepared to see him earlier than I anticipated. What should I do with his sudden appearance? "O-Of course, I am happy to see you."

"I miss you, cara."

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to smile once again in his direction. My conscience was pricking me because this past few weeks he barely crossed my mind because of a certain devil. "I...I miss you too."

Before I could even react, he pulled me into his arms and I found myself in the cages of his arms. I couldn't do anything but hug him back. After a moment, he drew back from our embrace and gave me a once-over. "Going somewhere?"

My throat suddenly went dry. How can I explain to him that I was about to meet Alfonso, my fake suitor and we were going to have dinner with his friends? I cleared my throat on how to explain to him the situation when Anna went out of the kitchen. "Who is it? Is that Alfonso?"

I turned back to look at my flatmate. "Dante is here."

The laughter on my friend's face died upon seeing the man standing in front of me. "Ah, so he's back from his trip."

I gave Dante an apologetic look due to Anna's rude tone. I was well aware that my best friend for some reason didn't like Dante for me. I didn't understand where this resentment was coming from she wasn't like that with Alfonso.

Dante who understand my pleading look gave me a reassuring smile. He beamed at my best friend as if he didn't perceive the hostility from the other woman. "Hello, Anna. It's been a while."


"Are you waiting for someone?" Dante queried in a friendly tone. Trying to ease the frosty reception he gets from Anna.

"Yes," Anna answered dismissively as she disappeared from the kitchen once again. This woman doesn't even bother to elaborate on her answer before leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry," I apologized once we were alone. "I don't understand why she's like that towards you—"

He patted my shoulder affectionately. "It's okay. Don't worry about it. I know she still has her reservations about my intention towards you but I hope I can prove to her that I am a good man and my intention to you are honorable."

"Thank you, Dante," I smiled at him gratefully. I stepped aside from the doorway so he could come inside our apartment. "Please, come in." We walked in the direction of the sofa and I notice that he was slightly limping. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," he reassured me with a smile but I couldn't miss the way he wince when he tried to sit on the sofa.

"What happened to your leg?" I asked worriedly. "Why is it paining you?"

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