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Third person's pov

Today is the exactly one year they've been trained together.

Just like students gotta sit last examination at the end of year,they also have to face with last evaluation.

"Are you sure you're training the whole year?What's this? huh?"

The four of them is now making eyes contact with floor.The female vocal trainer scold them longest.

Well about 20 mins.In manga,their ears may be bleeding now.

"I think this isn't going to work"

The sentence of CEO makes the four anxiety.

"You guys do have enough skills but you don't have teamwork"

The others trainers keep nodding at what CEO just pointed out.

Yongsun's pov

Actually,i've already expected the results.Of course, i know that we'll certainly fail this year.

But to think positive side,CEO advised us something which will probably solve our group's main problem

"We can't keep going in this way....we're going to add some rules as punishment and....i want you guys start living together from this month..."

Honestly, i am scolded more than others since im the leader.But i don't mind that much as it's not wrong that i can't lead my group very well.

Being a leader for the first is not easy when i have been living as a youngest daughter for my whole life.

But i'm going to try harder from now on.Moonbyul-yi...wait for me.
You're going to get annoyed.

Third person's pov

There's no way not to get closer when they live together at the rooftop apartment.

They begin to know each other's life styles,favourite things,etc.Since there's only two bedrooms,they have to share rooms.

Wheein and Hyejin share a room as they are comfortable to each other.And the left two....yeah.

"Byul-ah...how do you think about living together like this?"

Yongsun asked before she lays down beside Moonbyul who is playing some random games on her phone.

"it's great"

This is how their short conversations end.Short and Sharp,i guess.

Yongsun's pov

We are tested all of sudden this morning.To be exact,as soon as we enter the training room.

And we failed again.Frankly, today is one of the worst days for me.

I argued with my mom this morning and i got scold at the company again.I just want to throw whatever in my hand now.

I look at my members practicing as i am taking a short break,leaning my back against the wall.

Wheein and Hyejin are dancing and spacing out at the same time.And Moonbyul-yi.....I am mad at her most.

She is good enough at dancing and rapping but i mean...I want her to change her attitude on us.

We can't go on like this.You have to think about our feelings too.We also have our own dreams.We must debut.

The more I think about it,the grower my anger becomes. I walk straight toward Moonbyul-yi.

"Moonbyul-ah...we need to talk"

She stops whatever she's doing and turns her body toward me.I don't like the way she looks at me.

Moonbyul's pov

I feel very tired these days.I feel more exhausted to keep following my dreams.I can't stand this loneliness anymore.

It's much harder to feel lonely when i am not alone.I see people around me yet i can't feel their presence.

I...want to...give up on
everything..now.I just...
wanna leave everything behind...

I feel my life is directionless and pointless.I even forgot my motivations and goals.

"Moonbyul-ah...we need to talk"

I look at the person interrupts my thoughts through the mirror in front of me.

I turn to face her but i have any strength to talk.I don't wanna talk right now too.

Therefore i just wait for her to talk whatever she wants without any reply.

"i wanna resquest you only one thing for our group...for us"

I nodded weakly as i am going to listen whatever she says.I have no choice after all.

"Can you change your attitude?!"

Wait.What's wrong with her?What is the reason she raised her voice to me?Why am i being yelled?I stared at her face.

"can you speak more?huh? are you deaf?!!"

I don't understand why she is yelling at me but i know that i did nothing to her.I saw the two youngers comes to us.

"i can't...ok?"

I said at my low voice but it's enough to be heard.She tighten her eyes as if I made her so annoyed or mad.

"calm down..onnies...please don't fight... ah right here! I bought some cereal for us. I think this brand is new. I've never seen one before. Come check this, unnie"

Wheein said while handing the cereal box to Yongsun onnie and Hyejin is behind me.

"Why can't???huh! did i ask you too much?!!"

I bite my inner mouth as she is getting on my nerves.

"I said i can't....i.."

She cut off my words rudely which makes me lose my temper.

"what! what!"

I pull cereal box in her hand and throw at her.

Third person's pov

The practice room was a little,you know,chaotic for a moment.

Fortunately,there were the two youngers to seperate and stop them but cereals took place everywhere in the room.

Even that....they are still roommates.They have to sleep on the same bed.

Yongsun still can't sleep though she's laying on the bed alone for about an hour.

Moonbyul doesn't come into the room yet.She feel guilty for their fight.

She scolds herself that she should be a little more mature and talk properly.

Kim Yongsun is not someone who can sleep safe and sound by cuddling the guilty.

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