
292 21 3

Moonbyul's pov

Is she preparing for the next comeback now? Or filming videos?

I am watering plants in my compound. But I wonder so badly what she is doing.

Is she alright now? Is she still crying? I release a long sigh.

And I suddenly I feel creepy. I feel someone is staring at me. I look down.

"oh c'mon man! Why are you always looking at me? Do you love me that much? huh? Janggu.."

Janggu waggle his tail excitedly when I kneel down to talk to him.

I found him at a shelter last two months ago. He gotta grow up only in the cage for about 5 years straight.

He had bad memories. When I saw his eyes, I felt like he can understand my feelings and he is trying to comfort me.

I sit down on the grass and he put his chin on my thigh. I stroked him.

"Janggu..Am I doing well? But man. I miss her so much. I can only watch her in videos. I miss her scent. I miss how she curse at me. Can you curse at me Janggu??"

He then lift his head and waggle his tail with innocent eyes. He is so cute. I look back at my house.

As in my imagination, there is a road in front of my house. But the compound is not that wide as I can't afford it.

I grew some plants not to feel lonely. At least, they are good listeners. They never interrupt me.

The surrounding is quiet and nice too.

The wall are painted white. There are elegant stairs and glass walls too. I bought some indoor plants last week.

But of course, something important is missing.

Her smile for me while being busy behind the kitchen counter.

A tear drop onto his ear. He look up me and bark. Is he scolding me now?

"Alright...I won't cry. Come on! Let's go out for a walk"

It is really healing to walk in the morning. The weather is cool and best timing for a walk.

My house is not that far from city. It takes about 30 mins if I walk along the road.

I am still not used to with new place. The citizens are really friendly. They smile at each other tho we don't know.

Janggu look back and bark at me suddenly while walking together in the street. What is he talking again?

He then pull the string , leading me to somewhere.

"Hey..easy. Where are you going?"

I just follow him as I have no idea where to go and what to do too.

He stop in front of a flower shop and look up me again as the door has to push to enter. He is asking me to open it for him.

"Aha..Because you got the flower scent?? Do you love flowers?"

He stick out his tongue and waggle his tail. I can tell that he is obviously happy.

We enter inside the shop. The atmosphere here is really nice and warm.

The flowers are so colorful and beautiful. I feel pleasant. Janngu keep smelling here and there in the shop.

I notice someone come out behind the door with three boxes in his hand.

I bet he can't see forward and he seems to be struggling too.

" Let me help you "

I said and take two boxes from her. Oh it is a girl. Tho I am not giving much attention on her physical appearance, her eyes are indeed beautiful.

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