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Moonbyul's pov

Did I ruin everything?Did I make Yong disappointed?Did I make our relationship worse?Did I lose her trust?

I stare at the soju glass in my hand but it is not what i am seeing.

Her image of tears flowing down on her soft cheeks keep appearing in my sight.

One tear drop into the soju glass.I am so angry at myself that I can't be angry anymore.

"Byul ah.."

I look up immediately but my sight is too blurred.I blink three times in a roll to clear my tears.

I stand up and throw the glass.Only God knows where did it go.


"Byul...tell me...Are you serious about me?huh?How do you think of me?"

My body feels goosebumps and my heart aches from one place at the same time.

I guess my heart pains so much that some warm water come out from my eyes.

"I hate you..I hate you Yong!"

I can't tell if she is surprised or confused because of what she just heard.

" Do you really don't know my heart?! "

I wipe my tears but it keeps rolling down.

" I love you more than every fucking thing in my life. I can't lose you. I am very careful about things between us but....but all of my efforts only ruin them. I hate it too!! "

"Byul ah.."

I bit my lower lip and just run into her chest.I hug her like we won't get a chance to see each other tomorrow.

But I indeed miss her arms around my body.

"If you wanna tell the public about us, then let's do it. I don't care...I don't fucking care Yong.....I just don't want to do that terrible thing breakup with you"

I said between my sobs and cry like a kid on her shoulder. I don't know anymore. I don't wanna let her go.

I feel so safe between her arms.

"please...Yong...Just don't break up...please.."

"I'm...I'm sorry Byul ah...I'm sorry.Don't cry..."

I stretch my hands beside but it doesn't feel right.My eyes open without needing to force.Where is she?

"Yong!...Yongsun onnie!"

I am about to stand up but my lower body is not in the mood to do it.

"What's wrong?"

She comes out from the bathroom with unpatient steps.

She ask me with her hands on her waist. I suddenly miss my mom.

"Do you think I will leave you alone in bed when this is my house? Think Byul ah think"

She then shake her head and whisper some words that I am not willing to hear that much.She really looks like an old woman right now.

"Yong! Where are you going?"

I asked as I see she is about to enter the bathroom again.She turn her face toward me,
carrying a connected eyebrows.

"I'm pooping!ok? Wanna sit and watch? arishi..."

Ouch.She is quite sensitive this morning.Is she still mad? Tho I granted whatever she wanted last night?

I dunno man.

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