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Yongsun's pov

Arishi....i hate this author.I don't wanna talk about this.....

Alright I am 28 now.It has been 5 years we debuted as Mamamoo.

Mamamoo becomes a senior of many groups now.I am not showing off but we are one of the top idol groups now.

Yeah..my dreams and our dreams come true.

We have a lot of fans named Moomoos. More than we expect and most of them are females.

I didn't understand first why we got a lot of loves by females more than males when we are a girl group.

But i got the answer when i look back my members and the way they act in front of people without any pretentiousness.

And you know what,i am proud that my group is different from any other girl groups.

It also helps us a lot to shine among thousand stars with different color.

My members are one of the most important parts in my life.

Hyejin and Wheein are not kids anymore.They are now 24.

They become mature in front of my eyes though sometimes they acts as kids around me and Moonbyul.

Yeah..Moonbyul.She changed a lot.She becomes playful.Especially,around me.

Well..it is really annoying sometimes.She is now brave enough to show her own true color to the world.Of course,i know her most.

When we first debut,she usually doesn't act the way she is.She was so careful about people around her.

She thinks how the others will see her in the first place before she thinks for herself.

For instance, Moonbyul is obviously not girly type since we were trainees and also she doesn't like to wear short skirts,thin clothes,sort of outfits like that.

She usually chose opposite one rather than the one in her mind back then.But I absolutely know the reason is us.

Yeah....we,members....she did those because she cares about us.Each of us gave our best to be able to hear loud cheers and applause.

There are a lot of things i want to thank and apologize her though neither of us mention them.

I am happy too to see my member can be herself without worries.I think this is what all leaders feel.

I jolts when my phone vibrates,interrupting my thoughts.I got a message.And i don't even need to look, i can tell who it is.

Byul: what are you doing?

Wait a minute.I have something to say here.We once argued about this before.

She....wants to know everything about me.I mean..
I won't mention even if she is
simply curious.

But she is not just asking.She seriously wants to know whatever i did,i am doing and i am going to do in detail.

Byul: filming?...

Arishi...she is teasing me even thru the message.By the way,I am running a Youtube channel now.

As you guys know..i can't
stay still.I have to do something everytime.If not
I feel uneasy.I am really a
busy-bee type.

Byul always scold me for going hard on myself.And if you ask me about,28yrs old woman's,my lovelife.

I will say N and O.

No. I don't have time to date on a sunny day with cherry blossoms or on the first snow day and to spent a romantic evening while enjoying sunset with my boyfriend.

Byul: i am heading your house now

Well...but i do some of those i mentioned earlier with Byulie...usually i guess.
Ok..always actually.

Because as you see now,i spend most of my time with her and she is in my house almost like everyday.

Moomoos tease us because we are together everytime they see us.

After i started Solarsido,it becomes more obvious that she is always in my house as she is there in my videos 7 out of 10.

Although i act like i get annoyed that she always comes to me,i don't mind at all actually and she knows it too.

I hear someone is pressing passcodes as i am watching Hotel Del Luna in the living room.

"I am hungry...."

She lay down on the couch beside me like she is in her mom's home.

"Do you want me to cook something?"

Yep.So I asked naturally like her mom and she nodded immediately.We are fine.

Moonbyul's pov

I keep watching at her cooking for me.Don't misunderstand guys.

It's just because i can't press the button Play and watch Hotel Del Luna.

She will get mad if i do it..............

Wait Author!What do these dots mean?What do you want me to say?

Ok.Fine.I admit that it was just an excuse.I just wanna watch her.Satisfy?

I can't help but smile when she starts dancing while humming her own BGM.She is the cutest woman i've ever seen.

She is the only woman i trust and i can lean on in my life.I have not imagined my life without her yet.And honestly,I don't want too.

It is strange right?I am thinking about her like this....but i can't resist my heart.

My special feelings on her keep growing up day by day.

Everything started last year autumn.I always come Yongsun onnie's house whenever i am free or alone.

First,i just simply thought that the reason is i didn't wanna be alone but that day..

She said she is not home and she is going back to her mom's home.

So i said i would come anyway.Yes i am stubborn.I really went to her house.But i felt strange.

I knew that it is not the feeling of loneliness.
Although i didn't want to acknowledge,i somehow could figure out that it is the feeling of missing.

Yeah.How could i accept it?
me?missing Yongsun onnie?
and a girl?No way!

After shouting those words alone,i found out that i am dead serious.

I realized that i was falling into her the whole time without knowing.

I figure out that i keep coming to her house not because i was lonely but because i wanted to see her,i want to be with her.

But one part of me was telling me that it is so wrong.So,i denied those feelings shamelessly.

I decided not to go and see her on purpose but I guess it only made my feelings

She kept popping out in my thoughts and i was always trying to drive her house for no reason.

I did't remember how many times i reached in front of her apartment unintentionally.

I felt like something important was missing or I was losing back then.My heart was sulky whenever i closed my eyes.

When i saw her at company after those days,you know what,i forgot every single rule of this world.I didn't wanna care them anymore.

I just wanted to lay down beside her and talk nonsenses to make her curse or hit me.

I had to accept that love is not something i can choose.
I cannot help but raise butterflies in my stomach for every inch of her.

Is it a sin?

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