
450 26 16

Moonbyul's pov

I feel bad for my members.Maybe Yongsun onnie is right.

I should change my attitude for my group.I guess i was too selfish.Ahishi....I hate myself.I am so bad.

I am drinking alone outside of our house as there are two 17yrs old kids inside.

I have no courage to face Yongsun onnie right now.But I must apologize her.May be later.

She is not wrong.She was just doing what a leader should do.

I jolts when i hear my sms ringtone all of sudden.Who will it be at this hour?

I am a little amazed honestly when i see the ID name.
Well,I am somehow slightly nervous.

Yongsun onnie: *image*It's my dog named Jjing Jjing..
cute right?

I have no idea if she sent wrong or not but her dog is really cute for someone who loves dogs like me.

I reply slowly as i am not sure if she really means it.

Moonbyul : yes..her semi-pricked ears are so cute

I don't know why my palms are sweating while waiting for her reply.

Yongsun: i wanna see your dogs too...can you send me photos??^^

After talking about our pets and exchanging photos for some mins,i begin to realize her purpose.I didn't know Yongsun onnie is that bright.

She is trying to fix the tense atmosphere between us.She doesn't want us uncomfortable any longer.

Yongsun: can i join with you?i want to drink beer too...please

There is no point to deny now.The thing is....it is very foreign to me.This feeling....
being lead by someone who is a girl.

It has been a long time i said goodbye to this kinda feelings since i broke up with my firstlove.

I always felt safe and being protected when i was with him.

It is strange that im feeling these again...with Yongsun onnie.May be she is literally a good leader for us....I guess.


I look back to see her face and hand a can of beer.She then sits beside me.

"wow...it's cold outside.."

She then turns her head toward me.So i just smile and give a nod.

"Byul-ah.....i'm sorry..i am older and leader after all..i shouldn't act immature "

I seriously didn't expect that she'll apologize me first while I'm still waiting for a perfect timing to do what she just did.

"no onnie....you don't need to say sorry...you wasn't wrong..you just pointed out what i need to fix..."

She stares at me for a moment with a smile before she takes her first sip.

"let's not think that we say sorry first only because we were wrong...let's say..
apologizing first doesn't only mean admitting our bad... "

I feel a cold breeze touch my skin while i am gazing at her.
I don't know but i feel a little easier.

I did hate this kinda cold and lonely breeze until this moment.Because it always makes me realize my scars.

Surprisingly, i feel great about this breeze right now.I don't feel lonely unlike this morning.
What it is?

"onnie....you're so cool right now...you are such a great leader for me"

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