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Yongsun's pov

Many cars pass thru in my sight.I try counting them.

But I lose number when my eyes becomes blurred.I blink as fast as I can.

I lean my head against the car window.

I don't wanna show this to the girl beside me.

I always have been understood her thoughts and the things inside her mind whether she explains to me or not.

But I don't understand what she did earlier.

Is she embarrassed to tell people that she is in love with a girl?

Or Is it like she doesn't want to talk about me as her girlfriend?

For me,I am not scared to tell the whole world that i love her.

I can kiss her in the middle of MAMA show.I am proud.

I am so proud that she is mine.She is the only one I love.

I am so ready to fight for us.But she.I think it is not what she wants.


I hummed weakly when i hear her voice.I don't wanna talk to be honest.

I think my voice will be obvious if I talk.

"Why are you so silent?...Are you feeling sick?"

I shake my head still looking outside thru the glass.But the silence make me feel guilty.

"No.I just...sleepy"

I whisper but it's enough to hear between us.

I take off my seatbelt when she stops in front of my apartment.

I look back her and I found she is looking at me.We stare at each other for some secs.

I see something in her eyes.
They are telling me something.

What is it?I look around and see no one as it is basically time to sleep.It is so silent.

And it creates so dangerous atmosphere.

I lean forward and give a peck on her lips but her head follow me wanting for more.

I can't help but smile.

"I am going..."

She press her lips and force a smile while nodding.

But her eyes are telling me

"Drive safe...and call me if you are home"

I make sure to see her drive off before I walk into my apartment.

I sigh in the elevator loud as there is no one.

I feel my heavy heart.It is asking for her presence.I should at least hug her earlier.

I step out from the elevator and walk toward my room.

I stare at the door.

I miss her.

What's wrong with me?Why am i being like a high school girl who is in love with her first crush?

I shake my head to clear scattered thoughts.

I am shocked when a cold hand grab my hand out of the blue.

I am about to shout but another hand covers my mouth first.

"shuu....neighbours may be sleeping"

She said while putting her index finger on her lips.Her face is too close to mine.

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