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Moonbyul's pov


I whisper as i don't want to destroy the beautiful silence of nature.

She hummed as a response while looking straight to the dark green mountains.

"I love you.....I cherish every  breath I spent with you"

She turn her head toward me carrying a smile I love.

"of course I know Byul....I
know you are always gazing at me and looking for me"

My tears run down thru my cheeks without my permission.

"But Byul-ah....I never had courage to look at you back..."

She said so softly  before she cup my face with her hands to wipe my tears.

I hold her hand which makes her look up me.

"Yong....I don't need it....you don't need to look back at me...only your presence is more than enough for me"

"All I want is to spend time with you as much as we can...
and I have no desire to block your bright future....I won't let you to suffer in a difficult future...you don't deserve it...You must live in a normal life,Yong..."

"But you have to remember this.....that my feelings on you will never change....
and you are never alone...I will always be with you...
believe me Yong.I will always love only you"

I hear vacuum cleaner noise near me which make my eyes open.I roll my body to one side.

"ya......It's so noisy...Seulgi ya!"

I sit up as she doesn't answer me.I immediately feel dizzy and pain in my head.

When I look at her,she notice my presence and take off her earphones before she walk toward me.

"Give me some painkiller..."

She take out some medicine from cabinet beside my bed and give me with a water bottle.

"shii....Did Jin take me home last night?"

I ask before I take medicine.

"Yeah....ah..he also told me something "

I nodded to make her continue talking as I am still swallowing the left water.

"He said he is going to give Yongsun onnie's phone back"

It makes me choke with my own saliva.What is he even thinking?

Arishi....I hate this bro.

I canceled all my schedules for that day and also if i didn't ,I would see her at the company.

I had no clue to face her that fast.I need time to be able to accept whatever she decides.

I am scared.I am scared that what I did will turn our relationship unside down.

Why the hell did i say it?It is all my fault after all.

You know what,I gotta know  I am really a scaredy-cat in reality.

I runaway from her instead of face and talk to her properly.

I went straight home as soon as I finish practising in order to avoid her.

And I have no idea if God loves me or not.She is busy with her comeback promotions.

We still don't meet for a week.In other words,I could still keep avoiding her for a week.

I miss her so much but aslo i don't wanna face her.

I wish I can know what she is thinking.The longer the days we don't see each other,the lesser confidence I get.

I don't even remember how much we were close before.

After about 14 days later,she is done with her promotions too.There becomes less chance for me to avoid her.

We had to do some meetings with staffs for our group's next comeback.

I think i am the only one overreacting and feeling awkward.

She just treats me like usual in front of my members and staffs.

I heard from some staffs that she explained about that day only as our small fight while I am shaking if someone ask me about that day.

"Why are you keep sighing?It makes me feel uneasy onnie....stop sighing"

I was scolded by my little sister.

"It is so strange that you are at home on your day-off...
Did you finally realize which one is your home?"

I close my eyes pull up my cover as if I am going to sleep.

"Aigoo....the olders these days...."

She said while shaking her head slightly as if I am her naughty little sister.

"go see who it is...quickly"

I said when we hear the bell ringing as im too lazy to walk.

Third person's pov

Yongsun nervously waiting in front of the door.Yes.She is here in front of Moonbyul's house.

She finally decided to clear everything messing between them.

She knows the younger keep avoiding her.That's why she followed her house.

She definitely knows that they both have things to talk properly.

If not,this situation will get worse.Also she had thought about everything.She had taken enough time.

She finally realized they have to cut out some parts and some feelings for their good.

"aww!Yongsun onnie....come in!"

Seulgi welcomes the older cheerfully tho she has no idea why is she here.

"Is your onnie at home?"

Yongsun ask while taking off her shoes.

"Yeah....she is laying on the bed-"

Both of them paused for different reasons when they see Byul on the couch and remote in her hand.

"...just now"

The youngest tilts her head as she is sure that she saw her sister on the bed laying like a lazy old man just before she comes open the door.

Solar look at Byul who is pretending that she is so into the drama now.

"Byulie onnie!...Yongsun onnie is here..."

The youngest tell her sister as she seems do not notice them.

"oh...onnie..why don't you call me first if you come?come in, sit..."

She acts friendly in front of her sister but she didn't expect that the older will really sit beside her.

Moonbyul clean her throat
and collect all of her courage to initiate a conversion as she feels awkward to death.

She turn her head toward the older.One second...
two second...

'shit! she is staring at me'

She curse in her mind and immediately straight up her back and look forward.

"onnie...I am going outside"

Byul force herself to keep a smile on her face.

"Didn't you say you have to finish your paper today"

She then mouth Seulgi that 'don't go' silently as the older is in front of her.

"What are you talking?
whatever,I am going...
Yongsun onnie..bye! "

She then wave at the two olders before she leave while Byul is dying to run away.


She said in her mind as soon as the door close.There is only two of them now.

She now gets why people say ash is the best living.

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