Chapter 29 | Kunai & Leo

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Benjamin's POV:

As I was crying with Jamie on my lap, I could feel this dark vibe enter our space. It was almost dreadful to even be in the same presence of it. I averted my attention to someone standing to the side of us. Once our eyes locked, I froze. I was met with a lady glaring at me with hate so strong it could kill you.

"Get your fucking hands off my son you little shit," she said.

My heart broke just hearing her say, son. I knew my chances with Benjamin were dead, but at this point, it's nonexistent. If death was a person, it would be this lady standing right in front of me.

"I'm sorry," I said looking up at her.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING APOLOGY! GET THE FUCK BACK FROM MY SON!!!!" She shouted so loud, the veins in her forehead started to pop out.

I quickly, but gently placed Jamie's head off my lap, and to the ground. I got up, dusting myself off. I don't know what came over me, but I walked over to Jamie's mom.

"Miss Quill, I am so sorry for what I have done to your son. I don't know what came over m-,"

"I said I don't wanna hear your apology. Get the fuck out of my sight, before I bend you backward, your spine will poke out from your stomach," she whispered, grabbing my collar.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" I pleaded as I looked at her with guilt.

"Let me just ask you something," she said pushing me back, but I kept myself from stumbling.

"Why did you do it? Did you know how much pain my son was in? Two whole months he had to deal with his feelings all by himself. Because of you I almost lost him, two days after you both broke up. Now, I might just lose him for real this time, because you did that to him," she pointed down to Jamie lying on the ground,

"Now I'm going to ask you again, Why did you do it?"

I couldn't find a reason why I did it, or maybe I do know it, but I'm too much of a pussy to even admit it to her.

"I'm not gay," the look in her eyes, made me want to crawl into the depths of a mountain.

"Don't ever speak, look, come near, or think about Jamie," she said authoritatively.


"Do. I . Make. myself. clear," she seethed in anger.

"Yes ma'am," I replied quickly.

"Good, now go on,"

I slowly turned around and made my way back to class. I could feel her staring holes into my back, but I paid no mind to it, because it was understandable, and well deserved. As I made my way to the door, I finally heard her cry. Turning to look back at the two, my heart shattered into pieces just seeing how much I put him, and his family through.


Jamie's POV:

I woke in an unfamiliar place. The room was just white, and inside stood one table, three chairs, a box of donuts, and three iced coffees. I just stood there wondering what this place is, and why am I here. I averted my attention elsewhere and to the other parts of the room. Once I was done, I turned back to look at the table, and jumped in fear; two men were sitting in the chairs.



"WHO ARE YOU BITCHES?!" I shrieked.

"Bitch, the two beings who are here to bring you back to life THE FUCK," one said, emphasizing 'the fuck'.

"And I am yet to know who you two are," Jamie noted.

"I am Kunai Azulan," he introduced.

"And I am Leo Morningstar," the other one followed suit.

"Hmmm well, I am Jamie-,"

"Quill, yeah we know already babes. Sit down come let us talk," Leo interrupted.

I just stood there, not knowing what to do. It's like my mind went completely blank the moment I arrived here.

"Ugh fine, I guess I'll make you sit," Kunai huffed in annoyance.

I saw him lift his arm, and in his palm, I saw an opal-colored aura, formed into an orb. He looked at me with a smirk, and with a flick of his wrist, I was seated in the chair next to both males. This is so weird.

Our conversations started as awkward, but then progressed on to be much more laid back, and comforting. We talked about my heartbreak, my previous fights, and the one I just had. Along with that was the advice they gave me. They must be my guardian angels because they are so cool and they radiate a lot of power, literally. I could feel it.

"So it was nice to chat with you, I'm sure you'll be fine with the advice we gave you," Leo stated as he looked at me with hope.

"Yes indeed Leo, but now I'm afraid your coma is going to end," Kunai mentioned making me confused.

"Coma?" I asked, and they both nodded,


"You'll find out hun, anyways bye Jamie Quill," Leo waved, while his other hand showed a red aura in his palm.

"Hey I saw you one time in an alleyway-," I was cut off when I saw Leo swoop his hand forward, letting his power work, and sending me out to where ever it is I came in from.

As I was being thrown out of the room, I saw that the outside was all black, and the only light shining was the opening in the room I flew out from. As I furthered away from the light, the darker it was, to when it was completely dark.

I tried to let my eyes adjust to the abyss but still could not see anything. It was at that moment where the darkness disappeared, and I was now in the sky, falling. I saw that I wasn't just falling to the ground, but I was falling to a specific spot. The hospital.

As I was closing in, fear started to take over, so I let out a scream. I was now inches away from the roof, but what made me shook was how I went straight through the roof. I finally saw my destination, and I did not like it at all. I fell back down into my body, and everything went black once again.

I woke up.


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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