Chapter 8 | Spear of Triam.

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I felt proud that I punched him but I felt bad at the same time. I never favored violence, only when it comes to serious situations.

"Aye bitch, did you even hear what we were saying," My best friend Annie exasperates, snapping me from my thoughts while, my other two best friends, Jane and Maria looked at me confusingly.

It was break and we were sitting at a table in the courtyard.

" bad..what were you guys saying," I chuckled rubbing the back of my neck, making them rolled their eyes.

"Ugh... We were discussing going to Coastal cleanup next month. All of us this time." Jane said.

A coastal cleanup is an event all schools go to. I never went, because I'm either tired or I'm just busy.

"So...are you gonna come with us this time?" Maria asked raising an eyebrow.

I had to think about it for a moment. I'm gonna be tired but I'm not busy plus saving the ocean is a good thing.

"Yup...I'm going," They all looked relieved after hearing my words.

"Omg bitch finally," Annie said exasperatingly.

"I know! I'm pretty excited for it," I said cheerfully I humorously rolled my eyes.

With that being said, we just caught up on things.

I smiled at them. These three are legit the only people I can talk to. They've been my ray of sunshine every day since middle school. The funny story is I used to hate Annie and Jane. (Vice Versa). Maria and I have been cordial since elementary, but not close. I don't know what happened, but we just all became friends at some point in middle school and it just went on from there.

Annie is 5'4 with brown hair. She was the one who always made us laugh. Her jokes are just so damn funny. Although she does have fun making people laugh, she does want to be taken seriously sometimes. She also wants to be the voice for people who don't have a voice of their own. Jane Maria and I are probably the only ones in school who can take her seriously.

Jane is 4'9. Her hair has an almost blackish gray color. Although being the shortest, she was the parent of the group. She was always scolding us for doing nonsensical things and we always listened to her. Sometimes when she's in a good mood, she joins in on the dumb shit we do, which is rare.

Maria was the same height as Annie. She had an almost auburn-like hair color. She was the man of our friendship. Although I was the guy, I barely acted like one. She was the one always shadowboxing with the boys or just fighting them in general. She may seem to mean but she's nice. All three of them are beautiful as fuck. They are my best friends.....

....'The Spear of Triam'.

The spear of triam is the fusion of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hade's weapons. Ashley is the thunderbolt for being the sound of those that can't speak for themselves. Jane is the trident. She is the one that can overpower anyone with the authority of her words. Her words are like the currents of the ocean. Whatever she says, goes and we all have to flow with it. Maria is the Bident. She may be nice but when you mess with her and her friends you shall know pain.

We are all different in our ways, but everything about that is what makes the dynamic of the friendship flow smoothly.

"Hey babe," Richard said as he sat by Jane.

Annie, Maria, and I rolled our eyes. I wonder why Jane picked Richard. It's unknown to us. They, like us, are completely different but their personalities work so well together, the relationship they have is undying. I wanted what Jane had. To be desired from another.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ