Chapter 9 | Aftermath.

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We backed up from Marcus. He instantly got up from the ground and was shooting glares at us. I honestly don't know why but I was so furious at Marcus. How dare he try to lie in front of the whole school. I didn't even think of my next move, as I charged for him but I was suddenly pulled back by someone. My eyes widen as I saw the person pulling me back was Benjamin.

"Jamie..stop. You don't wanna do this," He whispers into my ear.

"Benjamin, get your hands off me you bitch!!" I yelled before socking him in the face.

He stumbled back a bit, before cursing under his breath while walking away.

I turned to my friends and whispered for them to go back to the tables, so they wouldn't get caught. They were a bit hesitant until I pulled my trump card. What is it you ask? You'll never know for that is between us.

I turn to face this prick and ran to punch him but I was pulled back again.

'Who the hell is trying to stop me from whooping this guys ass'

I turned to see a school aid pulling me back.

"Excuse me!!! Let me go, I'm going whoop this guy's ass," I yelled at him.

He looked very irritated with me, so he legit threw me over his shoulders and walked me out of the dining hall.

"Why are you only going for me!? How about that bitch in there?" I complained hitting his back.

"It's ok. The other school aid gots him," he reassures me quickly when he saw that I was about to explode,

"And you're a freshman and it's your first day here in BADDIE ACADEMY. My name is Chris," He says waiting for me to respond.

" I'm Jamie," I replied nonchalantly.

" to tell me what was that going on back there?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I was the one who started the fight. I wanted to fight that boy but my friends were trying to stop me," I said.

Ok I know it's a lie but I didn't want my friends to get in trouble. I'll just take one for the team.

"Why did you want to fight the boy?" I quickly looked up to meet his eyes.

Shit, I forgot to make up another lie.

"Well, it's pretty nonsense but I'm pretty fragile. The boy called me ugly. Like who would do that!? Would you call a person ugly!? I'm not ugly right!?. I'm beautiful....right??!" I pretended to break down in front of him.

His eyes went wide with shock and confusion, so he just pulled me in for a hug. I continued to fake cry unto his shoulders.

"You know you still have to face the consequences of your actions," he huffed in annoyance. 

Humming at his words, I release myself from his grasp and wipe a tear away.

"I know, but I'm not the only one that's gonna get punished, right?"

He looked confused with what I asked.

I quickly tensed up. Although I did make up the lie, that still doesn't justify that Marcus did something wrong. Well of course he did but let's not talk about that.

"Well of course, but your punishment would be much more severe than the boy you were trying to fight," he explains.

"Also the boy called me ugly because I rejected him, so he wanted to lower my self-esteem and what do you know, it worked." I lied again.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now