Chapter 38 | Golden Memories Pt 2.

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Two weeks after Elijah and I's first domestic situation, I've been experiencing more and more. He forbade me from seeing my friends, and for a bit, I was very much against it because who the fuck did he think he was. They've been trying to talk to me for quite some time because they missed me, so seeing the look on their faces each time I'd walk away or pass by them broke me.

"Jamie for god's sake are you even listening to me," Elijah mumbled.

"Oh sorry babe, what was that?" I asked in a soft tone, hoping he wouldn't have an outburst.

"I was said to wait for me after school. I need to talk to coach about a few things, and please fucking pay attention next time, for fuck sakes," Elijah sighed.

This class was the only one I had with Jane, and it would be so awkward when I would be partnered up with her. Elijah would look at me when I'd talk to her longer than I should be. It was very controlling and I was only doing it because I was protecting them.

I went back to doing my work, while Elijah was doing his. I was a bit off today, but let's be honest, I've been feeling off since our first date. The bell had rung for dismissal and Elijah and I walked out, and it makes me laugh inside when I see them adorning our relationship. His arms were over my shoulder, securing me into his arms. Jane, Maria, and Annie were walking in our direction, and I did not spare them a glance, but from my peripheral vision; they were staring at me.

Guilt and pain.

It was so draining because I have all my classes with Elijah, so I was basically by his side 24/7 and it's tiring to be supervised by people who I can easily take out. I spent the rest of the day, like how I've been spending it for the past month; with Elijah and his shitty group. Don't get me wrong, they're great people, but they could be over-boards with a lot of things. I see from a distance, my friends just eyeing me down. I couldn't blame them.

The bell had finally rung for dismissal; Elijah was off to practice, while I walked around the school. I was walked into the gym and saw that Jane, Maria, Annie, Dani, and Sache were in there as well playing volleyball. I quickly turned in the opposite direction and made a run for it. I knew they were chasing me because I could hear their footsteps rumble against the floor.

"STOP NOW," Maria shouted.

I looked back to see how far they were from catching up to me, and that was a big mistake. I panicked once I saw that Annie's hands were inches away from touching my shoulder. I saw the end of the hall, which has a right and left side, leading a hallway of their own. I could either take left or right, but I wasn't trying to be that type of basic bitch.

I had to shake them off my tail. As I was coming in close contact with the lockers; That stood at the end of the hall. I ran up the hard steel, pushing myself off, resulting in a badass backflip. Annie was not prepared for that, as she slammed herself into the lockers and fell to the ground, groaning in pain. The others were almost catching up, and I can see in their eyes that they were disappointed in me, and if I was being honest, I was pretty disappointed in myself as well.

"WAIT NO DON'T GO PLEASE!" Jane called out, but I knew I couldn't stay.

I quickly looked down at Annie. She looked up at me; tears forming in her eyes. I felt my eyes flooding with tears, but I couldn't give in, so I quickly turned the other way and started sprinting down the left-wing.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, as my tears start to roll down my face; hearing them call out my name.


I had to get my shit together before I meet Elijah. I know damn well he'll question me on why my eyes are red and puffy, and I can't say, 'Oh my old friends tried to chase me across the school, and I couldn't face them because I'm scared of what you might do to them.' If I had said that, I'd get a beating. I walked into the bathroom, making my way to the sink. Turning on the faucet, I fetched a decent amount of water in my palm; Gently splashing it against my face. Once I was done fixing up myself, I was about to walk out but Benjamin walked in.

"Hey," He said with a small wave.

"Hi, Benj-," Before I finished my sentence he rushed towards me, pulling me in for a hug.

If I was being honest, I missed him so much, but I can't do this. I tried to pull away, but he squeezed tighter, but not too tight to block my airways, embracing my essence and what not. I found myself sliding my hands around him and resting them on the midsection of his back, leaving small rhythmic pats. I felt him sigh into the base of my shoulder. I tried to pull away again, but no budge.

"Please can we stay like this for a while?" He whispered, fanning my neck with the close heat of his breath.

"Okay," I sniffled.

After a few minutes of staying in that position, my phone started to ring, interrupting the moment. He immediately let go, taking a step back. I answered the phone.

"Where the hell are you?" Elijah asked.

"Oh I'm in the restroom, I'll be out soon. Love you bye," I said, hanging up the phone.

I couldn't look at him after saying those three words. I was ashamed to even be seen like this, especially by him. Turning away, I made my way to the bathroom exit. As I opened the door and was about to step out, I hear.

"I still love you, Jamie," He confessed and I wanted to die at that moment.

"Goodbye Benjamin," I spoke before walking out the door.


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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