Chapter 48 | Gone.

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It's been a month since summer has started and I've been looking forward to attending therapy and visiting Flores all the time. We've grown so much closer than I had intended to.
The little moments that I have with her are nice and bad especially when we talk about the abuse we went through while being with Elijah. We've had so many cries and it was very therapeutical and uplifting because I know deep down that we are healing each other in more ways that we could imagine.

Sometimes when I'm bored, I'd sneak into her room, even though I'm not supposed to and we'd just chill till a certain time, because I too need to get back home. Tonight was movie night; which are on Saturdays and it's Flores's turn to pick.

"So what are we watching today?" I asked fixing my spot on her twin bed.

"I was scrolling through some titles on my laptop and I came across this one specific movie that I think would be cute to watch. Have you ever seen 'Hope'? It's a Korean movie," Flores explained as she motioned her hands towards her screen.

"No I haven't but I do love watching K-dramas, so this is alright," I said getting comfortable.


"Oh my gosh, that was so sad," Flores said wiping away her tears.

"Yea it was and what really got me was how she stopped her dad from hitting the plaque to the suspects head after the trial," I said grabbing a handful of tissues.


We stayed silent reminiscing over the movie and probably just our past, well at least for me. Fun fact: the movie 'Hope' which was made in 2013 is based on a true story. The little girls name was Hope.

"I hope that man is dead. He deserves to die and I wish his death is not a humane one. I hope he gets tortured until he takes his last breath," I looked at Flores.

The one thing that differentiates our experience by a long shot. Flores was raped by Elijah and his friends back in his old town. I remember her telling me this the fifth time I came to visit her. She was in such a vulnerable state and I appreciated that we got to this level of trust and closeness. I'll always cherish such beautiful sorrows.

My thoughts went back to the first time we had properly conversed. She stopped me in the hallway, screaming why she was not okay and I was. The answer to that is I'm okay and neither is she, but I know together we'll get there.

I haven't told Flores this yet, but I really look up to her. I love how she's so nonchalant, laid back, carefree, outgoing, and strong. She may not believe that she's strong but in my eyes, she is one the strongest females I know in my life and that's why I love Flores Dandy.

We talked for a bit about the movie and some other stuffs that we both had in common and even stuffs that don't even pertain to us. It was nice just being here with someone who gets you.

"Well shit will you look at the time," Flores said looking closely at her laptop screen.

"It's fricken twelve in the morning. I should get going before I get in trouble by my mom," I chuckled a bit.

"Yea you should. We wouldn't want that. Be safe Jamie. I'll see you later," Flores smiled while getting up from her bed.


As I was walking down the sidewalk, I noticed someone walking in the same direction. I kept right and ducked my head down just to avoid staring because lord knows I have a major staring problem.

We finally passed each other but then,

"Jamie? Is that you?" I turned around to find Benjamin staring at me in confusion.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now