Chapter 43 | Into the woods.

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It was weird how all of us slept at Jane's house, not that it was a bad thing. Her house is very large. Everyone was scattered across the house, while Maria, Annie, and I slept in Jane's room. Brandon didn't even want anyone sleeping in his room. Marcus and sky took the guest room, Benjamin slept in the living room with Richard. Dani and Sache slept in the study room. Marcus's new college friends are much cooler than the ones he had in high school.

It's strange seeing that most of this is occurring in only sophomore year. Imagine what shit would be like if I was a junior, then moved on to senior. I think I will be memorable in more ways than I can ever imagine. We'll just have to wait and see. Speaking of timely occurrence, all this is going down on a weekend, and today is the day, which is Sunday, that I shall be facing Elijah.

I think I was the first one to wake up because I went to the kitchen and decided to make myself a cup of coffee. I leaned against the counter, looking out the window to see what a beautiful day it is, and how I will fuck shit up. I heard movement from behind me. Turning I see Brandon standing there, shirtless.

"Uh well erm... good morning," I said raising my cup of coffee.

"Morning," He grumbled.

He walked to open one of the cupboards and pulled out a box of cereal, went to the next, and pulled out two bowls and spoons. He placed them down on the island. He walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk, taking a seat on the island.

"Are you gonna stand there, or are you gonna eat with me?"

"Oh um sure," placing my cup down I go over to sit next to him.

I took the cereal box and started pouring some in his bowl, as well as mine. Grabbed the milk and poured some as well. Bon appetite and all that good shit. We were in such an awkward silence, that our crunches sounded louder than usual. But then all silence died when everyone started to wake up.

This is going to be a long day.


We had to think this through, just to make sure no one was going to have sneak attacks.

10:00 AM:

Marcus and his friends drove up the woods to secure some good hiding spots close to where Elijah and I would be meeting. Brandon and his friends scout the area now and then, just to see if they would have the same plan as us. The girls and I just charged the phones of those who were on recording duty. This sounds like some Netflix drama shit, but at this point might as well give it a try.


Lunch break.

2:00 PM: Everyone starts to prepare for when it's about to happen.

3:00 PM: We get in our positions and wait. I had to have a separate agenda on things just so I won't look suspicious.

"Whatever happens to me, do not blow your cover. If I can take five months of beatings, then I can endure twenty minutes or even an hour. Is that clear?" I said with my finger pointed out.


4:00 PM:

I walked deep within the thicket of the woods and I had no idea where everyone was, which means they hid well. If I was being honest, I'd say that I am scared of what's to come. This will be my first time facing Elijah in a much more different state, a stronger state.

I had finally reached the area he said to meet, and so did he. We both walked in at the same time. I knew if I had to pull this off, I'd have to act vulnerable and weak, just how he likes it.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now