Chapter 21 | Altercation.

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"Jamie...Jamie...JAMIE!!" A voice screamed and I shot up from my chair, swinging my hands back and forth.

"BITCH BACK THE FUCK UP!" I screamed trying to observe my surroundings....oh I was in Marcus's car.

I slowly turned to look at him and he had a glare slapped on his face. I gave him an innocent smile and apologized. He looked irritated, but it was not towards me. His attention was averted elsewhere. I followed to where his eyes stared and it stopped at Brandon, who is leaning on the hood of his mustang, glaring right at Marcus.

"what the fuck is he doing here?" Marcus asked still glaring at Brandon while gripping the wheel tight.

I mentally gulped. Seeing two dangerous boys glare at each other is not what I needed to end my night.

"Thanks for the ride Marcus, I really appreciate it, hun." The moment I opened my door, Marcus did the same. I turned to him and raised a curious eyebrow.

"What in heaven's name are you doing? I do appreciate the help, but I think I can walk myself to the door. Thank you!" He immediately grabbed my hands and pulled me towards my front door. I could see from the side of my eyes that Brandon got off the hood of his car and walked after us.

"Hey, asshole, why the fuck do you have your hands on my boyfriend?" Brandon called out from behind us. Marcus immediately stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. Oh shit.

"Sorry, I didn't know Jamie took the likings of rats like you," he said as my eyes widen at his insult towards Brandon.  I was not going to let Marcus bash him out of jealousy.

"Marcus, can you not be fucking rude," I sighed clearly being annoyed by this nonsensical situation.  I heard Brandon chuckle. I turned to look at him, and he had anything but a face of humor.

"Go inside Jamie, I'll handle this bitch," Marcus said leading me to the door. I shoved his hand away and gave him a glare. These two hooligans' are not going to cause a scene right outside of my house.

"Both of you guys back the fuck up. I am going into my house, and you two are going to get into your cars and drive home," I scolded them as they glared at each other.

I turned my back, walking to my door and the moment I placed my hand on the doorknob, I hear muffled grunting. When I turned back, Marcus and Brandon were literally on top of one another throwing punches to each other's faces. I ran towards the two and tried to break them apart, but me being such a small boy, I was barely doing anything.

"Guys stop!!" I yelled trying to pull Brandon off Marcus.

He shoved me away and I fell on my butt. Ouch. I got back up and ran towards them trying to attempt to stop them. In the midst of this situation,  a gunshot went off and I immediately froze. I knew exactly where it came from and who it came from. I slowly turned to look at the door, and there stood my father. James Quill. He was quite the scary lad if you ask me. His height was just a part of the intimidation, and along with that came a death glare that could melt you to the ground, a voice filled with so much authority, and some pretty badass tattoos. Beside him stood my mother, Cassandra Quill, who was just as mean like him, only when she is mad and this was one of those times. Casey and the other six siblings of mine stood there with evil smiles. They were not going to let me see the end of the situation.

"ok gentlemen, I am going to give you thirty seconds to explain yourself. If not, there will be bullet holes in both your cars and they look like really nice cars," My father announced.

In seconds, Brandon and Marcus got off each other and stood straight. Not one of them spoke, so my dad decided to cock the gun and aim it at Marcus's car.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now