Chapter 31 | First day of school 2.0

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The alarm woke me up from my peaceful slumber, but my awakening was not peaceful at all. I looked at the alarm clock and shoved it off the nightstand. I heard the alarm repeat, but more irregularly, almost like a scratched CD. The beeping had finally died down, and as soon as I went back to sleep the door was swung open, letting the doorknob hit the wall hard.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP JAMIEEEEE," Maximus yelled as he jumped on my bed.

Maximus is my younger brother and is in his last year of middle school. Once I turn junior, then he shall be a freshman. He is such a little shit, but I love him for that. It's why I love my whole family because they are shit, but THE shit.

"OKAY BITCH GET OUT!" I shouted as I tried to kick him off my bed, but he dodged it.

After a few more minutes of yelling, Maximus had left my room, and I was silent, sitting there overthinking and whatnot about my time in the hospital.

I had to stay in the hospital a bit longer than intended because they still needed to keep an eye on me. What I still can't get over is how I was in a coma for a whole month.  I always imagined how tired, and sad my family was. It would make me tear up here and there, but it was something out of my control. I stayed in the hospital; The first two weeks of September, just for cautionary measures, then was discharged. I was returning to school in the last week of September.

Marcus visited me three times that week, and not a single visit was boring. We just laughed about the things that happened in the past, and we even laughed at the time when we were a thing. God that was some cringe shit. The girls came over, and we'd hang out in my room, laughing at all the jokes, mostly Annie and Molly made.

Brandon never once showed up since that day I woke up, and I don't blame him. It's my fault since I rejected him, so he has every right to be mad at me.  He hasn't been in contact since then.


After I was done moping around like a little bitch, I jumped off my bed and hopped in the shower. Don't know if you noticed, but I colored my hair to a lighter brown. Anyways, once I was done getting ready, I ate breakfast with my beautiful family, whom I loved dearly with my heart, and despise so deeply with my mind.

I was so happy I did not need to ride the bus because mom was dropping me at school. As we were in the car, she was telling me to be careful, and do not stress myself out. On the other hand, I was thinking about how beautiful Jisoo is. 

We had finally arrived at school.

"Bye I love you, have a good day!" She exclaimed.

"I love you too, and drive safe!!" I'm an advocate for safe driving. 

I made my way through the doors, and I could not help but feel self-conscious about myself, because everyone and I mean everyone was staring at me. Their eyes did not hold judgment, but more worry, and concern. Concern for what though. Weirdos. I had a bunch of people come up to ask me if I was okay, then gave a hug before they left.

I went to go find my best friends and smiled when I saw them sitting at our bench.

"HIII MY LOVES!" I screamed as we all got in for a group hug.

"Ugh we missed you with us," Annie said.

"Yeah bitch, we really do," Maria agreed with her.

I looked at Jane and she looked like she was about to cry. The two girls pulled away so that it was only me and her. I cupped her cheek, wiping away her tears.

"Jamie, I'm sorry that I did not get there in time to save you. If you saw what I saw, then you would be crying right now too. I was so angry at myself but mostly angry at that piece of shit," Jane finally spoke.

"Miss girl, don't cry over me. I am fine! Look," I pulled away, doing a 360 twirl,

"It's in the past now babes, so let's just relax and focus on now."

We had finally settled down and made our way to the dining hall to eat breakfast. The girls filled me in on what has been happening the past three months I was gone. It turns out that Richard cheated on Jane, which made me so pissed because who the fuck did that bag of horse shit think he was. We have a new principal because the other one covered up an affair with a teacher and student. Shocker I know.

The bell had finally rung for our first class of the day. The room was loud from the outside, but when I walked in all the noise died down. I don't know why they're looking at me like that. I walked to an empty seat at the far side of the classroom; placing my things down, I was ready to learn.

Ugh, that's some old news!

All the attention was stolen from a commotion at the door. It was swung open, hitting the wall behind it. Everyone in the class got tense.

Benjamin Gray.

"Well Mr. Gray it is a pleasure to finally have you in class this week," my teacher teased as he gave Benjamin a disappointed look.

"Yeah whatever," he mumbled before walking towards his seat.

Another person walked through the door. I spared him a glance, as he did too, and this dude was the finest thing I've seen in such a long time. I gave him a small smile, and he shot me a wink. I immediately looked away and to the other dude walking through the rows of the classroom.

Benjamin made his way to his desk, not bothered at all by the people staring at him. He did not even notice me. I could hear the other students whispering in the far corner.

Much to my dismay, his seat was next to mine. I just watched him closely as he got closer and closer to the chair. He pulled it out, and seated himself, not sparing me one glance. I decided to just leave it alone, because why not.

The whole time in class, I just sat there focusing on the lesson, stealing glances from Benjamin. I was so thankful for my teacher not calling out my name because I don't want Benjamin to notice me right away. I do say that his appearance has gotten more.... messier. He usually was well put together, but now he just looked plain messy. His black locks were all over the place sticking out from left to right, his face grew stubble on his chin area, which I thought was so attractive, and his eye bags were darker than usual. He looked like the epitome of shit.

The bell had finally rung for the break, and as I was going out of our row, my foot hit his chair by accident. I passed a small sorry under my breath before walking out of the classroom. I hope he did not recognize my voice. I mean, It's been a month and a half, so that is a lot of time to erase some sort of recognizable features of mine. In the midst of my thoughts, I was disrupted by someone grabbing me by the wrist while walking in the halls.


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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