Chapter 17 | Confrontation.

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I walked into class with a huge headache. Turns out, we didn't leave the moment I said we were going to. They made me drink! I'm legit not a huge fan of alcohol and now I'm
hungover!? Brandon drove me home and oh my gosh. I was so embarrassed. He texted me this morning saying he enjoyed me sitting on his lap while he was driving. That whore. I turned to look at everyone staring at me as if I was mistress of the west.

"Damn what happened to your face!" Richard calls out in disgust. As if you don't know.

Julie slapped the back of his head and gave me a small smile. I turned to look at Benjamin and his face looks more fucked up than mine. All done by me! Hehehe yay. I didn't have the energy to deal with him right now. I just made my way towards my desk and sat down. I was too lazy to even look up so I put my head down and fell asleep. I know I'll have consequences for this but I'll worry about that later. I need to rest.

"Jamie...Jamie dear?"

I instantly shot up from my desk and screamed:

"Come closer and I'll rip your fucking head off!" I screamed while holding both my fist up in defense. Mrs. Paris looked stunned at the action but regained her posture as she put her hand over my shoulder.

"Sweetie, are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse?" She asks while rubbing my shoulders comfortingly. I slowly nod my head. She gave me and pass and walked out to the nurse's office.

"Hi, sir how may I help you?" The school nurse asks while looking through a filing cabinet.

"Yes ma'am, I legit don't feel good at all," I say squinting my eyes due to my headache.

"Here. Follow me," she calls out. I follow her to the resting area where the sick children wait for their parents to pick them up. She leads me towards my bed and lays me down gently. This wasn't the best bed but it was enough to make me feel relaxed.

"I'll be back with some Tylenol and water," she says smiling down at my pathetic body.

Closing my curtain she made her way back out to the front desk.

"You have some nerve Jamie," I heard a voice call out. I was too tired to reply so I stayed quiet. I could hear my curtains being opened vigorously. I open my eyes and Marcus was standing at the side of my bed.

"Oh hell no," I groan in irritation.

No time wasted, he hurried over to me and pressed his hands on my chest, pinning me down on the bed. His face inches away from mine. My eyes were squinted, so I couldn't see him but when I opened my eyes, they widen at the sight. His face was more messed than Benjamin and I combined.

"Nerve of what?" I hiss at him. He let me go and stepped back.

"Laying your hands on me at the beach. Might I remind you that I could have you expelled immediately," he shot back.

"Excuse me! How could you say that! You attacked me and I was going for self-defense!" I huffed out in annoyance.

"Who the fuck sets themselves on a person's shoulders and lands punches on their faces," he shot back earning me a glare.

"And who the fuck tries to put their mouths on a private area during a fight, and moans while doing so," I retort with a small laugh.

That seemed to set him off because he rushed over to me and choked me. LIKE CHOKED ME!! This was legit not helping my headache at all.

"Mr. Sanchez?"

At that moment he let go and slammed his lips onto mine. I see what you're doing! You whore!! He was moaning loud just to give it more dramatization.

"Sorry miss, I was worried about my boyfriend here," Marcus says with a smile. The nurse looked a bit...uneasy about it but she just shrugged it off. She came to my bed and gave me the pills and water. I thanked her as I took both items.

"Mr. Sanchez? I think it would be best if you leave now. I would hate to have you in trouble for skipping," the nurse says looking at him with a smirk. He nodded and leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"Later babe," he smiles before closing the curtain.

Moments later, the curtain opened and I was met with the other brother. Benjamin.
He looked sad and I kinda felt bad for him.

"Hey," he said sitting at the foot of the bed. I gave him a small smile.

"Jamie. I'm sorry," he said putting his head down. I was kind of taken back by this. I thought he was going to choke me like that other dumb fuck.

"Benjamin it's oka-."

"No, it's not okay! I shouldn't have done that to you. I poured my feelings out to you and handled it pretty well. You got a fat ass though. Anyways I poured my feeling and then I switched up on you quick and I almost fucking drowned you, man," he said running his hands through his hair in frustration.

He looked like he was tearing up so, I got up from the bed and hugged him.

"It's okay Benjamin, you're fine and I'm fine. Hmmm now come and let's wipe those tears off your face," I smiled while tracing circles around his back.

I grabbed the napkin on the stand and dabbed his eyelids softly. After a few minutes of talking, he finally left and I fell asleep.

In about thirty minutes, I was a brand new bitch! All I needed was medicine and a nap. I signed out of the nurse's office and thanked her for the help. I made my way back to class. Noticing now that I was in there for a pretty long time and now It's currently the second period. I walked in and gave the teacher my pass and made my way to a desk and followed along with the lesson.

Lunch came and I sat with my babies along with Danni and Sache. It was kind of our thing now. Not long I heard the cafeteria doors being swung open, hitting it against the wall, projecting a loud bang.

We all flinched at the sound, then looked to see who was causing all this ruckus. It was Marcus and behind him were his followers or should I say whores. Quite the bunch if you ask me. He made his way to our table and slammed both his hands down. I could feel his energy radiating from his body while he stared deeply into my eyes.

"Jamie Ramirez Quill, I'm giving you one last time to explain yourself," he said loudly, gaining everyone's eyes at our table.

"Explain what?" I asked sternly, folding my hands into my chest. I could see from both sides of the table, the girls were ready to launch at him.

He gave a small smirk before he spoke such foul words.






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