Chapter 30 | Unexpected Guest.

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I shot up from my bed gasping for air. My senses were killing me; beeping of the machines, the coldness of the room, the brightness from the light, and a lot of voices speaking at once. I felt a sharp pain in my hand, and saw multiple needle tubes in my wrist, extended and plugged into some machine.

"J-Jamie?" mom called out and she rested her hand on my cheek.

"Hi mom," my voice came out so harsh.

"Oh my baby are you okay?" she was now rubbing circles on my cheek.

I told her I was fine, then looked at everyone else in the room. I saw the rest of my family, and my best friends all looking uneasy but relieved.

"Hi guys," I greeted and they all started to tear up.

Why were they crying? I was only out for a day, maybe two. I slowly turned to my right and saw Brandon Arthur sitting far next to the window. He just stared at me.

"Hi, Brandon,"

"Don't fucking Brandon me Jamie," he whispered, making everyone gasp.

"Brandon what the fuck is your problem?!" Jane questioned, while Brandon just shrugged.

"I wanted to give this boy my heart, my soul, my life, but he disregarded it. He went for that other guy, and LOOK WHAT HE DID TO HIM!" Brandon yelled.

"You need to calm down, Jamie just woke up. We don't want to overwhelm him, or cause him to go into a state of shock," mom was trying her hardest not to break the nice character.

"He should've stayed in a coma longer, and maybe you should've died," he said slowly on the last part, looking at me.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" Jane shouted as she threw a fast punch at Brandon's face.

She knocked him out, leaving him unconscious. We all just stared at her with shock. Her short ass really knocked a giant out. This is why she is the mother of our group. She turned to me, and I gave her a small smile.

"I really was getting overwhelmed with what he was saying," I chuckled,

"How long was I out?"

They all gave each other a look, and it made me a bit scared for what they were about to say.

"Jamie, you've been out for the whole month," dad said, but he was not even looking at me.

"I'm sorry, but a whole month I was out?" I quizzed and they all nodded.

That is so tough.

"How did I even end up like this?"

"Hunny you suffered from a severe head concussion, and we thought we'd lost you, because you flatlined thirty minutes ago," Annie spoke.


The fact that none of these things were making me feel uneasy. I felt fine, and the only thing I should be thinking about is how lucky I was to be alive.

"Jamie, what do you remember on the first day of school," mom suddenly asked.

"I don't even know," I scoffed, but it just earned me a huge headache.

They all gave each other that look, and I was starting to get so irritated.

"Why do you all keep looking at each other like that?!" my head was starting to hurt even more from how high I raised my voice.

"Benjamin put you in the hospital dude," Maria said looking at me as if I'd remember what happened.

"Why? what did I even do to him?" I was starting to get confused,

"Did he give me this concussion?"

They all nodded and I was beginning to go into a state of shock. I can't believe he did this to me. How did we even get into an altercation? My breathing was going at an irregular pace, and my heart was beating so fast. I could hear them telling me to calm down, along with someone calling for the nurse.

And just like that, I fell unconscious.


My eyes started to hurt as I felt the sun shining down on me. Once Upon a time with carpool karaoke. I groaned as I stretched, but stopped when I felt a slight shock in my shoulders, making me wince at the pain.

"Relax," that voice seemed all too familiar.

I opened my eyes to look at who this voice belonged to, and was met with a face I actually had longed to see for quite some time now.

Marcus Sanchez.

"MARCUS?!" I got up so fast, but I regretted it because my head just went into a spiral.

"WOAH BABE RELAX THERE, DON'T GET TOO HORNY," he laughed as he lowered me back down to the bed.

"Oh shut up," I mumbled, but smiled while doing it.

Marcus told me that once he heard that I was in the hospital, he took leave from Harvard. He told them it was a family matter, so they let him go. My heart swelled that he said it was a family matter. Swelled as in I'm thankful he drove all the way out here. I'm sure he knows why I am here.

"How did you even get into the car accident?" or maybe not.

"Oh I was getting my phone, and I thought the road was clear, but I guess not," I lied.

"Damn double homicide," he said, before breaking out into a huge laugh.

I on the other hand was so confused with why he said that. Meh, I guess I'll just let him be because he seemed to be so deep into his joke he started snorting. The remainder of our time spent, we just caught up on things, and fun fact, Marcus is actually talking to a cute boy. The story of how they met is so cute. Imagine meeting your soulmate at the traffic light, and whoever makes it first to the next traffic light takes the other person out on a date. Ugh, how cute for him.

"Don't hurt the boy," I said sternly and he held his hand up in surrender,

"What is his name anyway?"

"Sky Ravel," Marcus replied fast.

"Hmmm he sounds cute," I said smiling at him,

"He is cute, cuter than you to be exact," Marcus pointed out.

"Okay I wanna meet this boy, because once upon a time I was the hottest shit you've ever seen," I grinned at Marcus, whose face seemed to have like that idea.

We talked for about an hour or so, but he had to leave because he was going to stop by his parent's place. It was nice talking to him, because I actually really missed him, and when he left for college, I was a bit sad. What I am proud of is that he finally turned his whole attitude around, and scored himself a cute boy. Bingo for him.

What I hope he does not find out, is that his brother was the one who put me in this hospital bed. If he does, oh my lord!! Heaven have mercy on Benjamin.

What also kept coming into my mind were those two gentlemen. Kunai and Leo. I wonder if they are beings of a higher calling or just hallucinations from the concussion.


**feedback and constructive criticism would be very much appreciated**




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