Chapter 37 | Golden Memories Pt 1.

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After Elijah and I's first encounter, he began his chase while I played hard to get. It didn't take long for me to finally give in to his game. It was no secret I was going to get caught anyways. I mean how could anyone resist someone who strives to get what they want, especially when what they want is you. Me giving in to the chase was the biggest mistake of my life, and if I could go back in time to pull myself out of that situation, I would. He was a good guy at first but as I spent more time with him it was like his good side was just a show and all the things he did were all fabricated emotions.

As I was saying...

Elijah was so cute with his boyfriend's proposal. He had the whole school bring me to the center of the football field, and had all the bleachers full of people who held big squares poster boards, and when they held it up together it was a humongous picture of me. I stood there in shock as I saw the posters flip and reveal "Will you be my boyfriend?"

A figure emerged from the crowd and made their towards me with a bouquet. I knew who the figure was, but since I was in a state of shock, I just lost all memories of who this figure was. As he was closing in, the cheering and the music started to get louder and louder until it went silent, and it was only Elijah and me. Just us standing in the center of the field without a care in the world.

"Hey beautiful," The golden boy spoke.

"Uh...Hi," I honestly did not know what to say.

"You look really good today,"

I just stared at this wonderful man that stood before me. Call me clingy and what have you not, but I felt like this dude was the one for me. If he could do all this just for me to be his, then imagine what he can do if we are actually together.

"So Jamie Ramirez Quill, will you do the honors of becoming my boyfriend?" Elijah asked with hope in his eyes.

"YES!" I squealed as I jumped into his arm, swinging me around.

And that was when it all went to shit.


I stared at my phone waiting for Elijah to call me. He was planning our first ever proper date, and it's been two weeks since his proposal. I know you're wondering why it didn't happen sooner, and that is because he has football practice and it was hard to plan especially with his schedule. I think I was so deeply infatuated with this man, that I was the first to ever tell him that I loved him on the day of his homecoming game. To me at the time, it was like a scene from a movie, and to him, it was just an act.


Elijah<3 is calling

"Hey babe," I said smiling to myself.

"Hey, hun. I'm actually outside your house right now," He said,

"And I think your mom is walking to my car with a gun," I knew what was about to happen.

I rushed down the stairs and ran out the door, and what I saw made me wanna burn this whole house down. My mother was pointing the gun straight at my boyfriend. Poor Elijah.

"MOM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I screamed as I made my way towards her.

"Jamie I'm just giving Mr. King a quick pep talk and to let him know that a queen can easily kill a king with her finger on the trigger," I stared at her in shock and disbelief,

"Besides I have to make sure you don't end up in the hospital again," Mother said as she patted me on the cheek.

After a few minutes of convincing her to put down the gun, she finally did and I was relieved that there were no gunshot holes in Elijah's car, because once upon a time. We went to watch a movie and although it's a cliché moment, it was more than what you lonely bitches could never have, and that's on period.

Jamie Quill: The bad boy, the jock, and the closeted.Where stories live. Discover now